Forum OpenACS Q&A: nsvhr patch

Posted by Mat Kovach on
I wanted to setup some virtual hosting using OpenACS 4.0 that used proxying from a main server to backend servers.  nsvhr works good for that but there was two problems:

* nsvhr did not add the X-Forwarded-For header that
nslog can use to make the log files record the correct
peer address

* there was an issue with file uploads.

I created a patch with appears to fix both those problems.
Please note the patches are currently in a 'I works for me

I little searching found this forum posting:

Which included a link to

who had the exact same solution to the file upload
problem as me so I am safely assuming it works fine.

I'm going to be submitting this patch to AOLserver
folks but since there was a recent thread I thought
I would share the patch here.