Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: An error occured while trying to add a user to a community.

the first line whch is

[08/oct/2008:02:44:40][29778.3068611472][-conn:dotlrn-2.3.1::4] Error: Ns_PgExec: result status: 7 message: ERROR: function __exec_115_approve() does not exist

provides the best clue to what's going on... so there are a few possibilities:

  • the function named __exec_115_approve is the function which is being called (that is, the name is correct) and it simply doesn't exist. in this case the message describes directly this situation.
  • the function named __exec_115_approve is the right name but it's being called with the wrong number and/or types of arguments, and is therefore being rejected by the engine
  • the function being called is of a name that is being pieced together into a string which is used to call it, but part of the "calculation" of the name of the function to call, didn't go well.
  • ... (there are some other possibilities along the lines
    of the above)

Maybe a more experienced openacs/dotlrn dev could comment?

additionally, there are some warnings and errors that have to do with which master pages you're using