Forum .LRN Q&A: Problems uploading files in File Storage and LORS

Hi to everybody,
I have a test site with

- Fedora core 6
- DotLRN 2.2.1
- tcl8.4.14
- PostgreSQL 8.1.8
- File storage 5.2.3
- dotLRN File Storage Applet 2.2.1
- File Storage Portlet 2.2.1
- LORS Management 0.8d
- dotLRN LORS Management Applet 0.4d

When I try to upload big files (the limit seems aproximately around 9 / 10 megs) from the File Storage section or from Lors Management section of a test class, I see a blank broswer screen.

I've already modified the maxinput parameter in the AOLSERVER config.tcl file, edidted the class upload size limit, restarted the process but nothing happens.

Is there anyone pls that could help us? Thank you.

Roberto Fabi

Semantic from Italy

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
"maxinput" is the configure parameter up to aolserver 4.0.*. Aolserver 4.5 has maxupload.

Add the following snippet to the end of your config file to make it work on aolserver 4.0 and 4.5

if {[ns_info version] >= 4.5} {
    ns_limits set default -maxupload [ns_config ns/server/${server}/module/nssock maxinput]

best regards
-gustaf neumann

Posted by Semantic Italy on
It worked!
Thank you very much.