
DB Query file

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<partialquery name="acs_object_type_hierarchy.object_type_not_null">

	select object_type,
               '' as indent
	  from acs_object_types
	 start with object_type = :object_type
       connect by prior supertype = object_type
         order by level desc


<partialquery name="acs_object_type_hierarchy.object_type_is_null">

	select object_type,
	       replace(lpad(' ', (level - 1) * $indent_width), ' ', '$indent_string') as indent
	  from acs_object_types
         start with supertype is null
       connect by supertype = prior object_type


<fullquery name="acs_object_type::supertypes.supertypes">
          select object_type
            from acs_object_types
           start with object_type = :subtype
      connect by prior supertype = object_type
           where object_type != :substype
        order by level desc
