-- acs_object__check_object_descendants/3
create or replace function acs_object__check_object_descendants(
) returns bool as $$

  object_id              alias for $1;  
  descendant_id          alias for $2;  
  n_generations          alias for $3;  
  result                 boolean;     
  obj                    record;  
   -- OBJECT_ID is the object we are verifying.
   -- DESCENDANT_ID is the current descendant we are tracking.
   -- N_GENERATIONS is how far the current DESCENDANT_ID is from
   -- OBJECT_ID.

   -- This function will verfy that each actualy descendant of
   -- OBJECT_ID has a row in the index table. It does not check that
   -- there aren't extraneous rows or that the ancestors of OBJECT_ID
   -- are maintained correctly.

   result := 't';

   -- First verify that OBJECT_ID and DESCENDANT_ID are actually in
   -- the index.
   if acs_object__check_context_index(descendant_id, object_id, n_generations) = 'f' then
     result := 'f';
   end if;

   -- For every child that reports inheriting from OBJECT_ID we need to call
   -- ourselves recursively.
   for obj in  select *
	       from acs_objects
	       where context_id = descendant_id
	       and security_inherit_p = 't' loop
     if acs_object__check_object_descendants(object_id, obj.object_id,
       n_generations + 1) = 'f' then
       result := 'f';
     end if;
   end loop;

   return result;
end;$$ language plpgsql;