-- acs_object_util__type_ancestor_type_p/2
create or replace function acs_object_util__type_ancestor_type_p(
  character varying,
  character varying
) returns bool as $$

    p_object_type1      alias for $1;
    p_object_type2      alias for $2;

    if not acs_object_util__object_type_exist_p(p_object_type1) then
        raise exception 'Object type % does not exist', p_object_type1;
    end if;

    if not acs_object_util__object_type_exist_p(p_object_type2) then
        raise exception 'Object type % does not exist', p_object_type2;
    end if;
    return exists (select 1
                   from acs_object_types o1, acs_object_types o2
                   where p_object_type2 = o2.object_type
                     and o1.object_type = p_object_type1
                     and o1.tree_sortkey between o2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(o2.tree_sortkey));
end;$$ language plpgsql;