-- bookmark__initialize_in_closed_p/3
create or replace function bookmark__initialize_in_closed_p(
  p_viewed_user_id integer,
  p_in_closed_p_id bigint,
  p_package_id integer
) returns int4 as $$

    v_root_id bm_bookmarks.bookmark_id%TYPE;
    c_bookmark RECORD;
    v_in_closed_p bm_in_closed_p.in_closed_p%TYPE;
    v_closed_p bm_in_closed_p.closed_p%TYPE;
    -- We want to initialize all bookmarks to the closed state, except for
    -- the root folder. That means we need to have the following settings
    -- based on the tree_level the bookmark/folder is at:
    -- bookmark type  in_closed_p closed_p tree_level
    -- -------------- ----------- -------- ----------
    -- root                f          f         1
    -- top folders/bm      f          t         2
    -- all others          t          t         3+

    -- The bookmarks package can be mounted a number of times, and the same
    -- user can have bookmarks at more than one mount point, so we need to
    -- pick the right root_folder:
    v_root_id := bookmark__get_root_folder(p_package_id, p_viewed_user_id);

    FOR c_bookmark IN
        SELECT bookmark_id, tree_level(tree_sortkey) AS t_level FROM bm_bookmarks
        WHERE owner_id = p_viewed_user_id
        AND bookmark_id IN
            -- Select bookmarks that belong to the root of this package_id only
            SELECT bm.bookmark_id FROM bm_bookmarks bm, bm_bookmarks bm2
            WHERE bm2.bookmark_id = v_root_id
            AND bm.tree_sortkey BETWEEN bm2.tree_sortkey AND tree_right(bm2.tree_sortkey)
        AND bookmark_id NOT IN
            SELECT bookmark_id FROM bm_in_closed_p
            WHERE in_closed_p_id = p_in_closed_p_id
        IF c_bookmark.t_level = 1 THEN
            v_in_closed_p := FALSE;
               v_closed_p := FALSE;
        ELSIF c_bookmark.t_level = 2 THEN
            v_in_closed_p := FALSE;
               v_closed_p := TRUE;
            v_in_closed_p := TRUE;
               v_closed_p := TRUE;
        END IF;

        INSERT INTO bm_in_closed_p (bookmark_id, in_closed_p_id, in_closed_p, closed_p, creation_date)
        VALUES (c_bookmark.bookmark_id, p_in_closed_p_id, v_in_closed_p, v_closed_p, now());
        -- This is not quite right in the case bm_in_closed_p already contains some entries for
        -- this p_in_closed_p_id, but it is no worse than what we had before so it will do for now.
        -- in_closed_p should really be based on the parent folder state -- and the parent folder
        -- must be inserted first.
       END LOOP;

       RETURN 0;
$$ language plpgsql;