-- content_item__is_valid_child/2
create or replace function content_item__is_valid_child(
  is_valid_child__item_id integer,
  is_valid_child__content_type character varying
) returns bool as $$

-- variant without relation_tag
  v_is_valid_child                       boolean;       
  v_max_children                         cr_type_children.max_n%TYPE;
  v_n_children                           integer;       

  v_is_valid_child := 'f';

  -- first check if content_type is a registered child_type
  select sum(max_n) into v_max_children
  from   cr_type_children
  where  parent_type = content_item__get_content_type(is_valid_child__item_id)
  and    child_type = is_valid_child__content_type;

  if NOT FOUND then 
     return 'f';
  end if;

  -- if the max is null then infinite number is allowed
  if v_max_children is null then
    return 't';
  end if;

  -- next check if there are already max_n children of that content type
  select count(item_id) into v_n_children
  from   cr_items
  where  parent_id = is_valid_child__item_id
  and    content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = is_valid_child__content_type;

  if NOT FOUND then 
     return 'f';
  end if;

  if v_n_children < v_max_children then
    v_is_valid_child := 't';
  end if;

  return v_is_valid_child;
$$ language plpgsql;

-- content_item__is_valid_child/3
create or replace function content_item__is_valid_child(
  is_valid_child__item_id integer,
  is_valid_child__content_type character varying,
  is_valid_child__relation_tag character varying
) returns bool as $$

  v_is_valid_child                       boolean;       
  v_max_children                         cr_type_children.max_n%TYPE;
  v_n_children                           integer;       
  v_null_exists				 boolean;

  v_is_valid_child := 'f';

  -- first check if content_type is a registered child_type
  select sum(max_n) into v_max_children
  from   cr_type_children
  where  parent_type = content_item__get_content_type(is_valid_child__item_id)
  and    child_type = is_valid_child__content_type
  and    (is_valid_child__relation_tag is null or is_valid_child__relation_tag = relation_tag);

  if NOT FOUND then 
      return 'f';
  end if;

  -- if the max is null then infinite number is allowed
  if v_max_children is null then
    return 't';
  end if;

  -- Next check if there are already max_n children of that content type.
  -- Use cr_child_rels only, when a non-null relation_tag is provided.
  if is_valid_child__relation_tag is null then
        select count(item_id) into v_n_children
        from   cr_items
        where  parent_id = is_valid_child__item_id
        and    content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = is_valid_child__content_type;
        select count(rel_id) into v_n_children
        from   cr_child_rels
        where  parent_id = is_valid_child__item_id
        and    content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = is_valid_child__content_type
        and    is_valid_child__relation_tag = relation_tag;
  end if;
  if NOT FOUND then 
     return 'f';
  end if;

  if v_n_children < v_max_children then
    v_is_valid_child := 't';
  end if;

  return v_is_valid_child;
$$ language plpgsql;