-- content_revision__content_copy/2
create or replace function content_revision__content_copy(
  content_copy__revision_id integer,
  content_copy__revision_id_dest integer
) returns int4 as $$

  v_item_id                            cr_items.item_id%TYPE;
  v_content_length                     cr_revisions.content_length%TYPE;
  v_revision_id_dest                   cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE;
  v_content                            cr_revisions.content%TYPE;
  v_lob                                cr_revisions.lob%TYPE;
  v_new_lob                            cr_revisions.lob%TYPE;
  v_storage_type                       cr_items.storage_type%TYPE;
  if content_copy__revision_id is null then 
	raise exception 'content_revision__content_copy attempt to copy a null revision_id';
  end if;

    content_length, item_id
    v_content_length, v_item_id
    revision_id = content_copy__revision_id;

  -- get the destination revision
  if content_copy__revision_id_dest is null then
      latest_revision into v_revision_id_dest
      item_id = v_item_id;
    v_revision_id_dest := content_copy__revision_id_dest;
  end if;

  -- only copy the content if the source content is not null
  if v_content_length is not null and v_content_length > 0 then

    /* The internal LOB types - BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB - use copy semantics, as 
       opposed to the reference semantics which apply to BFILEs.
       When a BLOB, CLOB, or NCLOB is copied from one row to another row in 
       the same table or in a different table, the actual LOB value is
       copied, not just the LOB locator. */

    select r.content, r.content_length, r.lob, i.storage_type 
      into v_content, v_content_length, v_lob, v_storage_type
      from cr_revisions r, cr_items i 
     where r.item_id = i.item_id 
       and r.revision_id = content_copy__revision_id;

    if v_storage_type = 'lob' then
        v_new_lob := empty_lob();

	PERFORM lob_copy(v_lob, v_new_lob);

        update cr_revisions
           set content = null,
               content_length = v_content_length,
               lob = v_new_lob
         where revision_id = v_revision_id_dest;
	-- this call has to be before the above instruction,
	-- because lob references the v_new_lob 
	--        PERFORM lob_copy(v_lob, v_new_lob);
        -- this will work for both file and text types... well sort of.
        -- this really just creates a reference to the first file which is
        -- wrong since, the item_id, revision_id uniquely describes the 
        -- location of the file in the content repository file system.  
        -- after copy is called, the content attribute needs to be updated 
        -- with the new relative file path:

        -- update cr_revisions
        -- set content = '[cr_create_content_file $item_id $revision_id [cr_fs_path]$old_rel_path]'
        -- where revision_id = :revision_id
        -- old_rel_path is the content attribute value of the content revision
        -- that is being copied.
        update cr_revisions
           set content = v_content,
               content_length = v_content_length,
               lob = null
         where revision_id = v_revision_id_dest;
    end if;

  end if;

  return 0; 
$$ language plpgsql;