-- forums_reading_info__move_thread_update/2
create or replace function forums_reading_info__move_thread_update(
  p_source_message_id integer,
  p_target_message_id integer
) returns int4 as $$

   v_source_root_message_id integer;
   select root_message_id from forums_forums
    where forum_id = (select forum_id from forums_messages
                       where message_id = p_source_message_id) into v_source_root_message_id;
   -- for all users that have read target, but not the source, remove
   -- target_info
   delete from forums_reading_info i
    where root_message_id = p_target_message_id
      and not exists (select 1 from forums_reading_info
                       where root_message_id = v_source_root_message_id
                         and user_id = i.user_id);
   -- for all users that have read source, remove reading info four
   -- source message since it no longer is root_message_id
   delete from forums_reading_info
    where root_message_id = p_source_message_id;
    return 1;
$$ language plpgsql;