template::util::richtext::initialize_widget (public)
template::util::richtext::initialize_widget [ -form_id form_id ] \ [ -text_id text_id ] [ -editor editor ] [ -options options ]
Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/richtext-procs.tcl
Initialize a single text input (textarea with the id "text_id" part of a form with "form_id") for the specified richtext editor via a richtext-editor plugin (e.g. ckeditor4, tinymce, or xinha)
- Switches:
- -form_id
(optional)- ID of the form containing the textarea
- -text_id
(optional)- ID of the textarea
- -editor
(optional)- Editor, which should be used. Will default to that specified in acs-templating RichTextEditor parameter when not specified.
- -options
(optional)- Options passed in from the widget spec
- Returns:
- On success, this function returns a dict with success 1
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: if {$editor eq ""} { set package_id_templating [::apm_package_id_from_key "acs-templating"] set editor [::parameter::get -package_id $package_id_templating -parameter "RichTextEditor" -default "xinha"] } if {![require_editor -editor $editor]} { return {success 0} } # # The actual richtext-editor implementation may provide some # use-case based presets. Examples may be a "minimal", "standard" # and "advanced" configuration that are reused in various forms. # # Here, we check and eventually return such conf, which will be # applied to the loading formfield. # # When no preset was specified, we will try to look for the # "standard" preset. This provides a hook for site-wide # customization via a tcl proc, which enables to inject # e.g. information coming from the connection context or other tcl # commands, not possible via parameter alone. # # The purpose of this feature is to have a set of logical # configurations that do not depend on the specific editor and # can be extended downstream. # if {[dict exists $options preset]} { set preset [dict get $options preset] } else { set preset "standard" } if {[info commands ::richtext::${editor}::preset::${preset}] ne ""} { set options [dict merge [::richtext::${editor}::preset::${preset}] $options] } set result {success 1} lappend result {*}[::richtext::${editor}::initialize_widget -form_id $form_id -text_id $text_id -options $options] return $resultXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle