acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p (public, deprecated)
acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p [ -subject subject ] [ -from from ]
Defined in packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/legacy-inbound-procs.tcl
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Parse the subject, from and body to determine if the email is an auto reply Typical autoreplies are "Out of office" messages. This is what the procedure does
- Switches:
- -subject
(optional)- Subject of the Email that will be scanned for "out of office"
- -from
(optional)- From address which will be checked if it is coming from a mailer daemon
- Returns:
- 1 if this is actually an autoreply
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: ad_log_deprecated proc acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p set autoreply_p 0 if {$subject ne ""} { # check subject set autoreply_p [regexp -nocase "(out of.*office|automated response|autoreply)" $subject] set autoreply_p [regexp "NDN" $subject] set autoreply_p [regexp "\[QuickML\] Error" $subject] } if {$from ne ""} { # check from if it comes from the mailer daemon set autoreply_p [regexp -nocase "mailer.*daemon" $from] } return $autoreply_pXQL Not present: PostgreSQL, Oracle Generic XQL file: packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/legacy-inbound-procs.xql