template::element (public)
template::element command form_id element_id [ args... ]
Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/element-procs.tcl
Manage elements of form objects.
see the individual commands for further information.
- Parameters:
- command - one of create, error_p, exists, get_property, get_value, get_values, querygetall, set_error, set_properties, set_value
form_id - string identifying the form
element_id - string identifying the element
- See Also:
- template::element::create
- template::element::error_p
- template::element::exists
- template::element::get_property
- template::element::get_value
- template::element::get_values
- template::element::querygetall
- template::element::set_error
- template::element::set_properties
- template::element::set_value
- template::form
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_widget_file
Source code: template::element::$command $form_id $element_id {*}$argsXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle