template::widget::currency (public)
template::widget::currency element_reference tag_attributes [ mode ]
Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/currency-procs.tcl
Render a currency widget. By default, the currency widget takes the form $ddddd.dd, i.e. US dollars and cents. You can optionally pass along a format for different currency.
- Parameters:
- element_reference - Reference variable to the form element
tag_attributes - HTML attributes to add to the tag
mode (defaults to"edit"
) - If edit, the rendered widget allows input, otherwise the values are passed along as hidden input HTML tags
- Returns:
- Form HTML for widget
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: upvar $element_reference element if { [info exists element(html)] } { array set attributes $element(html) } if { ! [info exists element(format)] } { set element(format) "$ 5 . 2" } set format [split $element(format) " "] for { set i [llength $format] } { $i < 5 } { incr i } { lappend format "" } if { [info exists element(value)] } { set values $element(value) } else { set values [list "" "" "" "" "" $element(format)] } set i 0 foreach format_property $format { # Assign the first element of $values to 'value', and the rest to 'values' again set values [lassign $values value] set trailing_zero "" if { $i == 3 } { set trailing_zero [string range [string repeat "0" $format_property] [string length $value] end] } if { $i == 0 || $i == 2 || $i == 4 } { append output "$format_property<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).$i\" value=\"$format_property\" >" } elseif { $element(mode) eq "edit" && ($i == 1 || $i == 3) } { append output "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$element(name).$i\" maxlength=\"$format_property\" size=\"$format_property\" value=\"$value$trailing_zero\" >\n" } else { append output "$value$trailing_zero<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).$i\" maxlength=\"$format_property\" size=\"$format_property\" value=\"$value\" >" } incr i } append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).format\" value=\"$element(format)\" >\n" return $outputXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle