xowf::WorkflowPage instproc is_wf (public)

 <instance of xowf::WorkflowPage[i]> is_wf

Defined in packages/xowf/tcl/xowf-procs.tcl

Check, if the current page is a workflow page (page, defining a workflow)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_test_items create_test_items (test xowf) xowf::WorkflowPage instproc is_wf xowf::WorkflowPage instproc is_wf test_create_test_items->xowf::WorkflowPage instproc is_wf test_create_workflow_with_instance create_workflow_with_instance (test xowf) test_create_workflow_with_instance->xowf::WorkflowPage instproc is_wf

create_test_items, create_workflow_with_instance
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