xowiki::Package instproc item_ref (public)

 <instance of xowiki::Package[i]> item_ref \
    [ -use_package_path use_package_path ] \
    [ -use_site_wide_pages use_site_wide_pages ] \
    [ -normalize_name normalize_name ] -default_lang default_lang  \
    -parent_id parent_id  link

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/package-procs.tcl

An item_ref refers to an item (existing or non-existing) in the content repository relative to some parent_id. The item might be either a folder or some kind of "page" (e.g. a file). An item_ref might be complex, i.e. consist of a path of simple_item_refs, separated by "/". An item_ref stops at the first unknown part in the path and returns item_id == 0 and the appropriate parent_id (and name etc.) for insertion.

(defaults to "false") (optional)
(defaults to "false") (optional)
(defaults to "true") (optional)
item info containing link_type form prefix stripped_name item_id parent_id

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_path_resolve path_resolve (test xowiki) xowiki::Package instproc item_ref xowiki::Package instproc item_ref test_path_resolve->xowiki::Package instproc item_ref test_xowiki_test_cases xowiki_test_cases (test xowiki) test_xowiki_test_cases->xowiki::Package instproc item_ref

xowiki_test_cases, path_resolve
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