template::form::create (public)

 template::form::create id [ args... ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/form-procs.tcl

Initialize the data structures for a form.

id - A keyword identifier for the form, such as "add_user" or "edit_item". The ID must be unique in the context of a single page.
The standard METHOD attribute to specify in the HTML FORM tag at the beginning of the rendered form. Defaults to POST.
A list of additional name-value attribute pairs to include in the HTML FORM tag at the beginning of the rendered form. Common use for this option is to set multipart form encoding by specifying "-html { enctype multipart/form-data }". Please note that to comply with newer security features, such as CSP, one should not specify JavaScript event handlers here, as they will be rendered inline.
If set to 'display', the form is shown in display-only mode, where the user cannot edit the fields. Each widget knows how to display its contents appropriately, e.g. a select widget will show the label, not the value. If set to 'edit', the form is displayed as normal, for editing. Defaults to 'edit'. Switching to edit mode when a button is clicked in display mode is handled automatically.
A url to redirect to when the user hits the Cancel button. If you do not supply a cancel_url, there will be no Cancel button.
The label of the Cancel button, if cancel_url is supplied. Default is "Cancel".
A list of actions available on the form, which in practice means a list of buttons to show when the form is in display mode. The value should be a list of lists, with the first element being the form label and the second element being the name of the form element. Defaults to { { "Edit" edit } }. The name of the button clicked can be retrieved using template::form::get_button. The name of the button clicked while in display mode is called the 'action', and can be retrieved using template::form::get_action. The action is automatically carried forward to the form submission, so that the value that you get from calling template::form::get_action on the final form submission is the name of the button which was called when the form changed from display mode to edit mode.
List of buttons to show when the form is in display mode. Equivalent to actions. If both actions and display_buttons are present, 'actions' is used. 'display_buttons' is deprecated.
List of buttons to show when the form is in edit mode. The value should be a list of lists, with the first element being the button label and the second element being the name. Defaults to { { "Ok" ok } }. The name of the button clicked can be retrieved using template::form::get_button.
Set to 1 to suppress the OK or submit button automatically added by the form builder. Use this if your form already includes its own submit button.
Set to 1 to suppress the Edit button automatically added by the form builder. Use this if you include your own.
A block of element specifications.
Should the form template show which elements are required. Use 1 or t for true, 0 or f for false. Defaults to true.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::request::create template::request::create (public) template::form::create template::form::create template::request::create->template::form::create ad_returnredirect ad_returnredirect (public) template::form::create->ad_returnredirect ad_script_abort ad_script_abort (public) template::form::create->ad_script_abort template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::create->template::adp_level template::element template::element (public) template::form::create->template::element template::form::get_action template::form::get_action (public) template::form::create->template::form::get_action

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set level [template::adp_level]

    # bump the form_count for widgets that use JavaScript to navigate through
    # the form (liberated from my Greenpeace work ages ago)

    incr ::ad_conn(form_count)

    # keep form properties and a list of the element items
    upvar #$level $id:elements elements $id:properties opts

    # ensure minimal defaults for form properties
    variable defaults
    array set opts $defaults

    template::util::get_opts $args

    set elements [list]

    # check whether this form is being submitted
    upvar #$level $id:submission submission

    if {$id eq "request"} {
        # request is the magic ID for the form holding query parameters
        set submission 1
    } else {
        # If there's a form:id argument, and it's the ID of this form,
        # we're being submitted
        set submission [string equal $id [ns_queryget form:id]]

    set formbutton [get_button $id]

    # If the user hit a button named "cancel", redirect and about
    if { $submission && $formbutton eq "cancel" && [info exists opts(cancel_url)] && $opts(cancel_url) ne ""} {
        ad_returnredirect $opts(cancel_url)

    set formaction [get_action $id]
    # If we were in display mode, and a button was clicked, we should be in edit mode now
    if { $submission && [ns_queryget "form:mode"] eq "display" } {
        set opts(mode) "edit"
        set submission 0

    # add elements specified at the time the form is created
    if { [info exists opts(elements)] } {

    # strip carriage returns
        regsub -all -- {\r} $opts(elements) {} element_data

        foreach element [split $element_data "\n"] {
            set element [string trim $element]
            if {$element eq {}} { continue }
            template::element create $id {*}$element
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