template::widget::textarea (public)

 template::widget::textarea element_reference tag_attributes

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/widget-procs.tcl

A widget for the HTML form input textarea element. Includes spellchecker.

element_reference - Reference to the form element.
tag_attributes - Html attributes to set in the widget.
Form HTML for widget
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::widget::comment template::widget::comment (public) template::widget::textarea template::widget::textarea template::widget::comment->template::widget::textarea _ _ (public) template::widget::textarea->_ template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties (public) template::widget::textarea->template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties template::widget::menu template::widget::menu (public) template::widget::textarea->template::widget::menu template::widget::textarea_internal template::widget::textarea_internal (private) template::widget::textarea->template::widget::textarea_internal

No testcase defined.
Source code:

    upvar $element_reference element

    if { [info exists element(html)] } {
        array set attributes $element(html)
    array set attributes $tag_attributes

    if { [info exists element(value)] } {
        set value $element(value)
    } else {
        set value {}

    if { [info exists element(mode)] } {
        set mode $element(mode)
    } else {
        set mode {}

    set attributes(id) $element(name)
    set output [textarea_internal $element(name) attributes $value $mode]

    # Spell-checker
    array set spellcheck [template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties -element_ref element]

    if { $element(mode) eq "edit" && $spellcheck(render_p) } {
        append output "<br>[_ acs-templating.Spellcheck]:
[menu "$element(id).spellcheck" [nsv_get spellchecker lang_options] $spellcheck(selected_option) {}]"

  return $output
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