xmlrpc::invoke (private)

 xmlrpc::invoke xml

Defined in packages/xml-rpc/tcl/xml-rpc-procs.tcl

Take the XML-RPC request and invoke the method on the server. The methodName element contains the Tcl procedure to evaluate. The method is called from the global stack level.

xml - XML-RPC data from the client
result encoded in XML and ready for return to the client

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/xml-rpc/www/index.tcl packages/xml-rpc/ www/index.tcl xmlrpc::invoke xmlrpc::invoke packages/xml-rpc/www/index.tcl->xmlrpc::invoke xml_doc_free xml_doc_free (public) xmlrpc::invoke->xml_doc_free xml_doc_get_first_node xml_doc_get_first_node (public) xmlrpc::invoke->xml_doc_get_first_node xml_node_get_children_by_name xml_node_get_children_by_name (public) xmlrpc::invoke->xml_node_get_children_by_name xml_node_get_content xml_node_get_content (public) xmlrpc::invoke->xml_node_get_content xml_node_get_first_child xml_node_get_first_child (public) xmlrpc::invoke->xml_node_get_first_child

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