xmlrpc::remote_call (public)

 xmlrpc::remote_call url method [ args ]

Defined in packages/xml-rpc/tcl/xml-rpc-procs.tcl

Invoke a method on a remote server using XML-RPC

url - url of service
method - method to call
args (optional) - list of args to the method
the response of the remote service. Error if remote service returns a fault.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 xml_doc_free xml_doc_free (public) xml_doc_render xml_doc_render (public) xml_parse xml_parse (public) xmlrpc::construct xmlrpc::construct (private) xmlrpc::httppost xmlrpc::httppost (private) xmlrpc::remote_call xmlrpc::remote_call xmlrpc::remote_call->xml_doc_free xmlrpc::remote_call->xml_doc_render xmlrpc::remote_call->xml_parse xmlrpc::remote_call->xmlrpc::construct xmlrpc::remote_call->xmlrpc::httppost

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