ms::Graph method team clone (public)

 <instance of ms::Graph[i]> team clone \
    [ -classification classification ] [ -description description ] \
    -displayName displayName  -mailNickname mailNickname  \
    -partsToClone partsToClone  [ -visibility visibility ] \
    [ -donecallback donecallback ] [ -wait ] team_id

Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/ms-procs.tcl

Create a copy of a team specified by "team_id". It is possible to copy just some parts of the old team (such as "apps", "channels", "members", "settings", or "tabs", or a comma-separated combination).

specify e.g. as "apps,tabs,settings,channels"
cmd to be executed when the async command succeeded or failed. One additional argument is passed to the callback indicating the result status. Details:
(defaults to "false") (optional)
when specified, perform up to 10 requests checking the status of the async command
team_id - of the team to be cloned (might be a template)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
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