xo::lti::LTI method form_render (public)

 <instance of xo::lti::LTI[i]> form_render [ -height height ] \
    [ -sandbox sandbox ] [ -style style ] \
    [ -auto_launch_p auto_launch_p ]

Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/lti-procs.tcl

Set per-call parameters

(defaults to "700") (optional)
(defaults to "min-width:100%;width:100%;min-height:100%;") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 dom dom security::csp::require security::csp::require (public) template::add_body_handler template::add_body_handler (public) template::add_footer template::add_footer (public) xo::oauth::nonce xo::oauth::nonce (public) xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->dom xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->security::csp::require xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->template::add_body_handler xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->template::add_footer xo::lti::LTI instproc form_render->xo::oauth::nonce

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