subsite::refresh_theme_subsites (public)

 subsite::refresh_theme_subsites [ -theme theme ] [ -include_modified ]

Defined in packages/acs-subsite/tcl/subsite-procs.tcl

Reload theme subsite parameters from defaults on every subsite currently using specified theme. This might be used, for example, in upgrade callbacks for themes if desired behavior is to upgrade all subsites using it without manual intervention. By default this proc will not refresh locally modified templates.

theme key to lookup for
(boolean) (optional)
force reload also for locally modified templates

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_subsite_api subsite_api (test acs-subsite) subsite::refresh_theme_subsites subsite::refresh_theme_subsites test_subsite_api->subsite::refresh_theme_subsites subsite::get_theme_subsites subsite::get_theme_subsites (public) subsite::refresh_theme_subsites->subsite::get_theme_subsites subsite::set_theme subsite::set_theme (public) subsite::refresh_theme_subsites->subsite::set_theme

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