ad_log_deprecated (public)

 ad_log_deprecated what oldCmd [ newCmd ]

Defined in packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/tcl/00-proc-procs.tcl

Provide a standardized interface for reporting deprecated ad_procs or other artifacts. In some situations, the flag "-deprecated" in the proc is not sufficient. When "newCmd" is not specified, this function tries to get the replacement command from the @see specification of the documentation.

what - type of artifact being used (e.g. "proc" or "class")
oldCmd - the name of the deprecated command
newCmd (optional) - replacement command, when specified

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (test acs-bootstrap-installer) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated test_ad_log_deprecated->ad_log_deprecated Se Se (public, deprecated) Se->ad_log_deprecated _mr _mr (private, deprecated) _mr->ad_log_deprecated aa_example_write_audit_entries aa_example_write_audit_entries (public, deprecated) aa_example_write_audit_entries->ad_log_deprecated aa_example_write_audit_entry aa_example_write_audit_entry (private, deprecated) aa_example_write_audit_entry->ad_log_deprecated acs_lookup_magic_object acs_lookup_magic_object (private, deprecated) acs_lookup_magic_object->ad_log_deprecated

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