DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
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Book description
If you need a reliable tool for technical documentation, this clear and concise reference will help you take advantage of DocBook, the popular XML schema originally developed to document computer and hardware projects. DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide is the complete, official documentation of DocBook 5.0. You'll find everything you need to know to use DocBook's features, whether you're new to DocBook or an experienced user of previous versions.
Table of contents
DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
- Preface
I. Introduction
- 1. Getting Started with DocBook
2. Creating DocBook Documents
- Making an XML Document
- Physical Divisions: Breaking a Document into Separate Files
- Logical Divisions: The Categories of Elements in DocBook
- Roots: Starting Your DocBook Document
- Making a DocBook Book
- Making a Chapter
- Making an Article
- Making a Reference Page
- Making Front and Back Matter
- 3. Validating DocBook Documents
- 4. Publishing DocBook Documents
- 5. Customizing DocBook
II. Reference
I. DocBook Element Reference
- abbrev
- abstract
- accel
- acknowledgements
- acronym
- address
- affiliation
- alt
- anchor
- annotation
- answer
- appendix
- application
- arc
- area (db.area.inareaset)
- area (db.area)
- areaset
- areaspec
- arg
- article
- artpagenums
- attribution
- audiodata
- audioobject
- author
- authorgroup
- authorinitials
- bibliocoverage
- bibliodiv
- biblioentry
- bibliography
- biblioid
- bibliolist
- bibliomisc
- bibliomixed
- bibliomset
- biblioref
- bibliorelation
- biblioset
- bibliosource
- blockquote
- book
- bridgehead
- callout
- calloutlist
- caption (db.caption)
- caption (db.html.caption)
- caution
- chapter
- citation
- citebiblioid
- citerefentry
- citetitle
- city
- classname
- classsynopsis
- classsynopsisinfo
- cmdsynopsis
- co
- code
- col
- colgroup
- collab
- colophon
- colspec
- command
- computeroutput
- confdates
- confgroup
- confnum
- confsponsor
- conftitle
- constant
- constraint
- constraintdef
- constructorsynopsis
- contractnum
- contractsponsor
- contrib
- copyright
- coref
- country
- cover
- database
- date
- dedication
- destructorsynopsis
- edition
- editor
- emphasis (db._emphasis)
- emphasis (db.emphasis)
- entry
- entrytbl
- envar
- epigraph
- equation
- errorcode
- errorname
- errortext
- errortype
- example
- exceptionname
- extendedlink
- fax
- fieldsynopsis
- figure
- filename
- firstname
- firstterm
- footnote
- footnoteref
- foreignphrase
- formalpara
- funcdef
- funcparams
- funcprototype
- funcsynopsis
- funcsynopsisinfo
- function
- glossary
- glossdef
- glossdiv
- glossentry
- glosslist
- glosssee
- glossseealso
- glossterm
- group
- guibutton
- guiicon
- guilabel
- guimenu
- guimenuitem
- guisubmenu
- hardware
- holder
- honorific
- imagedata (db.imagedata.mathml)
- imagedata (db.imagedata.svg)
- imagedata (db.imagedata)
- imageobject
- imageobjectco
- important
- index
- indexdiv
- indexentry
- indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange)
- indexterm (db.indexterm.singular)
- indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange)
- info (
- info (
- info (
- info (
- info (
- informalequation
- informalexample
- informalfigure
- informaltable (db.cals.informaltable)
- informaltable (db.html.informaltable)
- initializer
- inlineequation
- inlinemediaobject
- interfacename
- issuenum
- itemizedlist
- itermset
- jobtitle
- keycap
- keycode
- keycombo
- keysym
- keyword
- keywordset
- label
- legalnotice
- lhs
- lineage
- lineannotation
- link
- listitem
- literal
- literallayout
- locator
- manvolnum
- markup
- mathphrase
- mediaobject
- member
- menuchoice
- methodname
- methodparam
- methodsynopsis
- modifier
- mousebutton
- msg
- msgaud
- msgentry
- msgexplan
- msginfo
- msglevel
- msgmain
- msgorig
- msgrel
- msgset
- msgsub
- msgtext
- nonterminal
- note
- olink
- ooclass
- ooexception
- oointerface
- option
- optional
- orderedlist
- org
- orgdiv
- orgname
- otheraddr
- othercredit
- othername
- package
- pagenums
- para
- paramdef
- parameter
- part
- partintro
- person
- personblurb
- personname
- phone
- phrase (db._phrase)
- phrase (db.phrase)
- pob
- postcode
- preface
- primary
- primaryie
- printhistory
- procedure
- production
- productionrecap
- productionset
- productname
- productnumber
- programlisting
- programlistingco
- prompt
- property
- pubdate
- publisher
- publishername
- qandadiv
- qandaentry
- qandaset
- question
- quote
- refclass
- refdescriptor
- refentry
- refentrytitle
- reference
- refmeta
- refmiscinfo
- refname
- refnamediv
- refpurpose
- refsect1
- refsect2
- refsect3
- refsection
- refsynopsisdiv
- releaseinfo
- remark
- replaceable
- returnvalue
- revdescription
- revhistory
- revision
- revnumber
- revremark
- rhs
- row (db.entrytbl.row)
- row (db.row)
- sbr
- screen
- screenco
- screenshot
- secondary
- secondaryie
- sect1
- sect2
- sect3
- sect4
- sect5
- section
- see
- seealso
- seealsoie
- seeie
- seg
- seglistitem
- segmentedlist
- segtitle
- seriesvolnums
- set
- setindex
- shortaffil
- shortcut
- sidebar
- simpara
- simplelist
- simplemsgentry
- simplesect
- spanspec
- state
- step
- stepalternatives
- street
- subject
- subjectset
- subjectterm
- subscript
- substeps
- subtitle
- superscript
- surname
- symbol
- synopfragment
- synopfragmentref
- synopsis
- systemitem
- table (db.cals.table)
- table (db.html.table)
- tag
- task
- taskprerequisites
- taskrelated
- tasksummary
- tbody (db.cals.entrytbl.tbody)
- tbody (db.cals.tbody)
- tbody (db.html.tbody)
- td
- term
- termdef
- tertiary
- tertiaryie
- textdata
- textobject
- tfoot (db.cals.tfoot)
- tfoot (db.html.tfoot)
- tgroup
- th
- thead (db.cals.entrytbl.thead)
- thead (db.cals.thead)
- thead (db.html.thead)
- tip
- title
- titleabbrev
- toc
- tocdiv
- tocentry
- token
- tr
- trademark
- type
- uri
- userinput
- varargs
- variablelist
- varlistentry
- varname
- videodata
- videoobject
- void
- volumenum
- warning
- wordasword
- xref
- year
- mml:*
- svg:*
- *:*
I. DocBook Element Reference
- III. Appendixes
- Glossary
- Index
- Colophon
Product information
- Title: DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
- Author(s): Norman Walsh, Richard L. Hamilton
- Release date: May 2010
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9780596805029
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