Thread from comp.lang.tcl (no replies yet)

Tcl/Tk 9.0b3 Release Candidates
Posted by Don Porter <> 2 months ago

Now available at

are RC1 candidate source code distribution pre-releases of Tcl 9.0b3
and Tk 9.0b3.

This is the second of a sequence of candidate releases leading to the
release of Tcl/Tk 9.0b3.  Testing of builds and operations on multiple
platforms is invited.  Open tickets on any problems discovered, or raise
the issue in a reply to this message.  The aim is to clean up the problems
that are easily discovered so that a broader audience receiving the
Tcl/Tk 9.0b3 release can focus attention on deeper issues needing beta
testing to discover.

The Thread package included with Tcl 9.0b3 is version Thread 3.0b4,
and includes bug fixes compared to prior bundled releases.  All other
bundled packages included with Tcl 9.0b3 are releases that have already
been included in some prior Tcl release.

Unless an unexpected severe problem is found with these release artifacts,
expect them to become the Tcl/Tk 9.0b3 releases on or around July 31, 2024.

Beta releases of Tcl/Tk 9.0 have been a great success at achieving a
growing circle of testing of the broad universe of Tcl/Tk programs.
Each one has brought up bugs and issues to be resolved, improving the
quality of Tcl/Tk 9.0. Spread the word.

Thank you for your contributions and assistance.

| Don Porter            Applied and Computational Mathematics Division |
|             Information Technology Laboratory |
|                                  NIST |

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