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ANNOUNCE: Widget callback package Wcb 4.1
Posted by nemethi <> 4 weeks ago

I am pleased to announce version 4.1 of the widget callback package Wcb.

What is new in Wcb 4.1?

1. The demo script "listboxtest1.tcl" now correctly takes into account
    that the names of all bitmap files in the directory "images" have the
    suffix ".xbm", regardless of the Tk version being used.

2. Restored the support for Tcl/Tk 8.4, which was broken due to the use
    of package version numbers with a trailing "-" (thanks to Samuel
    Brown for his bug report).

How to get it?

Wcb is available for free download from the Web page

The distribution file is "wcb4.1.tar.gz" for UNIX and "" for
Windows.  These files contain the same information, except for the
additional carriage return character preceding the linefeed at the end
of each line in the text files for Windows.

Wcb is also included in tklib, which has the address

How to install it?

Install the package as a subdirectory of one of the directories given
by the "auto_path" variable.  For example, you can install it as a
directory at the same level as the Tcl and Tk script libraries.  The
locations of these library directories are given by the "tcl_library"
and "tk_library" variables, respectively.

To install Wcb on UNIX, "cd" to the desired directory and unpack the
distribution file "wcb4.1.tar.gz":

     gunzip -c wcb4.1.tar.gz | tar -xf -

On most UNIX systems this can be replaced with

     tar -zxf wcb4.1.tar.gz

This command will create a directory named "wcb4.1", with the
subdirectories "demos", "doc", and "scripts".

On Windows, use WinZip or some other program capable of unpacking the
distribution file "" into the directory "wcb4.1", with the
subdirectories "demos", "doc", and "scripts".

How to use it?

To be able to use the commands and variables implemented in the package
Wcb, your scripts must contain one of the lines

     package require wcb ?version?
     package require Wcb ?version?

Since the package Wcb is implemented in its own namespace called "wcb",
you must either import the procedures you need, or use qualified names
like "wcb::callback".

For a detailed description of the commands and variables provided by
Wcb and of the examples contained in the "demos" directory, see the
tutorial "wcb.html" and the reference page "wcbRef.html", both located
in the "doc" directory.

Csaba Nemethi

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