This document describes how we did the migration of from PG 7.1 to PG 7.2.3, with both instances of PG running. The migration was done by Roberto Mello and Dave Bauer. Ben Adida installed PostgreSQL 7.2.3. Roberto wrote this document. 1) Install PostgreSQL 7.2.3 1.1. Have a file .profile-7.2 to be sourced by every user that wanted to use PG 7.2 instead of the default 7.1. The file had this: export PATH=/usr/local/pgsql-7.2.3/bin:/var/netsaint/bin:$PATH export PGLIB=/usr/local/pgsql-7.2.3/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PGLIB export PGDATA=/usr/local/pgsql-7.2.3/data 1.2. Install PL/pgSQL on template1 so it's used by other DBs (createlang plpgsql template1) 2) Install intarray 2.1. Go to the intarray dir in the PG contrib source tree, and to 'make install' 2.2. Load the {PG}/share/_int.sql into template1 so it's used by other DBs (psql -f _int.sql template1) 3) Create users/database 3.1. Create 'nsadmin' user as super user because of some function in the dump (will change it back to regular user later). 3.2. createdb -U nsadmin 4) Compile new AOLserver PG driver for 7.2.3 4.1. Install under AOLserver's bin directory as 5) Compile new OpenFTS for PG 7.2.3 5.1. Had to do 'make install-all-headers' in the PG source tree 5.2. Had to ln -s /usr/local/pgsql-7.2.3/include/server /usr/local/pgsql-7.2.3/include/pgsql because OpenFTS 0.2 looks for {PG}/include/pgsql/postgres.h 5.3. ./configure --with-aolserver-src=/usr/local/src/as3.3/aolserver --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql-7.2.3 --with-tcl=/usr/lib --with-tcl=/usr/lib because of some strange setup on the box). 5.4. 'make' as regular user. 'make install' as root, so it can write to the PG directories and install openfts .so's 5.5. Go into aolserver directory and do 'make' (not make install, because it would re-write our current 5.6. cp {aolserver}/bin/ 5.6. Load the {openfts}/func_pgsql/create_func.sql into new openacs database. We don't need to copy the openfts .tcl files because we already have them. We don't install OpenFTS 0.3.2 because we don't have the new drivers/packages in our OpenACS install. That's for later. 6) Make the pg_dump of old 6.1. (in 7.1) pg_dump -o > openacs-2002-01-14.dmp 6.2. Edit dump and remove the creation of all PL/pgSQL handlers 6.3. Also remove all statements that create int_* functions. They belong to intarray, and were recreated when we loaded the _int.sql from intarray, which has correct paths. 7) Loading the dump of old database 7.1. Load acs-kernel/postgresql/sql/postgresql.sql into new DB (psql -U nsadmin -f postgresql.sql 7.2. At this point you are ready to load the dump into new DB. Let's redirect stderr to a file, so we can examine it for errors later: psql -U nsadmin -f openacs-2002-01-14.dmp 2> errors.log 7.3. Look for ERROR string in errors.log 7.3.1. There will be some "blah blah already exists" errors. That's normal. They happen because we loaded acs-kernel's postgresql.sql. 7.3.2. However, you'll see that 3 VIEWs fail to be recreated: party_approved_member_map, party_element_map and wf_users_task They are not recreated because of a bug in pg_dump where it outputs parenthesis in the wrong order for VIEWs with UNION in the definition (ugh!). AFAIK, this has been fixed in 7.3 pg_dump. So you have to load the following VIEWs into your new DB: create view party_approved_member_map as select distinct segment_id as party_id, member_id from rel_seg_approved_member_map union select distinct group_id as party_id, member_id from group_approved_member_map union select party_id, party_id as member_id from parties; create view party_element_map as select distinct group_id as party_id, element_id from group_element_map union select distinct segment_id as party_id, party_id as element_id from rel_segment_party_map union select party_id, party_id as element_id from parties; create view wf_user_tasks as select distinct ta.task_id, ta.case_id, ta.workflow_key, ta.transition_key, tr.transition_name, ta.enabled_date, ta.started_date, u.user_id, ta.state, ta.holding_user, ta.hold_timeout, ta.deadline, ta.estimated_minutes from wf_tasks ta, wf_task_assignments tasgn, wf_cases c, wf_transition_info tr, party_approved_member_map m, users u where ta.state in ( 'enabled','started') and c.case_id = ta.case_id and c.state = 'active' and tr.transition_key = ta.transition_key and tr.workflow_key = ta.workflow_key and tr.trigger_type = 'user' and tr.context_key = c.context_key and tasgn.task_id = ta.task_id and m.party_id = tasgn.party_id and u.user_id = m.member_id; 8) AOLserver setup 8.1. (in AOLserver's config dir) cp 8.2. Edit 8.2.1. Modify port to 8888 so we can test 8.2.2. Modify servername so we get different logs 8.2.3. Modify PG driver line so it loads 8.2.4. Modify pools to use port 5433 (or whatever you set your new PG to use) 8.2.5. Modify db_name variable so it points to the new database 8.2.6. Modify line so it loads 8.3. Modify Tcl library param to point to old site's Tcl library. 9) Start AOLserver 9.1. Start in foreground so you can watch what happens. 9.2. Fix any problems.