Forum: OpenACS Development

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keep-alive only works with GET requests

Maurizio Martignano 2 03/07/14 10:55 AM 03/09/14 05:13 PM

What's the best approach to update timezone rules?

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 5 02/07/14 02:46 PM 03/07/14 08:16 PM

Windows-OpenACS 2.0 (a change in strategy)

Jamshed Qureshi 2 11/10/13 08:32 AM 03/07/14 11:10 AM

Adding to the persons table

Ryan Gallimore 1 02/21/14 05:15 AM 02/21/14 05:24 AM

A Model for the Navigation Bar

Jim Lynch 8 02/13/14 08:20 PM 02/15/14 08:32 PM

nsdbi, nsdbipg

Gustaf Neumann 9 01/26/14 09:11 PM 02/09/14 03:23 PM

Import MySQL XML dump to PostGreSQL

Gustaf Neumann 2 02/05/14 11:36 PM 02/06/14 02:25 PM

One week of using naviserver on

Gustaf Neumann 7 08/14/13 08:06 PM 01/15/14 09:37 AM

Cannot pass HTML5 meta data in xowiki using {{get-parameter}}

Richard Hamilton 2 12/22/13 06:22 PM 12/23/13 06:37 PM

ref-currency package

Iuri Sampaio 7 12/11/13 12:58 AM 12/14/13 01:39 AM

Error: can't rename to "_old_ns_sendmail": command already exists

Gustaf Neumann 6 10/29/13 01:06 PM 12/02/13 10:40 AM

Demo 'A simple form' Request Error

Gustaf Neumann 6 07/27/10 02:50 AM 11/24/13 03:23 PM

Best way to get Xowiki weblog to list only instances of a particular xowiki::FormPage

Richard Hamilton 1 11/22/13 06:05 PM 11/23/13 09:19 PM

Minor Error in Calendar after upgrading

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 6 11/18/13 07:30 PM 11/21/13 03:14 PM

Automating Testing/Deployment Scripts

Dave Bauer 3 11/18/13 08:26 PM 11/19/13 02:29 AM

Infinite Redirect-Loop in Request Processor [+PATCH] (host-node maps)

Gustaf Neumann 1 11/14/13 03:32 AM 11/14/13 10:15 AM

Major error in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-procs.tcl:1507 (host-node maps)

Gustaf Neumann 1 11/14/13 01:44 AM 11/14/13 09:49 AM

Minor Error in Survey Package after upgrading

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 21 11/06/13 12:19 PM 11/13/13 01:14 PM

util_unlist proc deprecated

Claudio Pasolini 2 11/10/13 02:26 PM 11/10/13 08:57 PM

get_value__parameter_id error

Gustaf Neumann 8 11/05/13 10:05 PM 11/10/13 01:12 PM

Using SSL for registered users (always)

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 1 10/29/13 08:10 PM 11/05/13 08:45 PM


Gustaf Neumann 9 04/20/11 02:09 PM 11/05/13 08:30 PM

Problem while sending an array to an axis2 web service

Javier Arranz 2 10/30/13 03:28 AM 10/31/13 03:04 AM

Warning: has no doc(title) set.

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 8 10/29/13 12:40 PM 10/31/13 12:52 AM

Errors Upgrading from 5.5 to 5.6 (function apm__register_parameter)

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 7 10/21/13 10:21 PM 10/25/13 06:18 PM

OpenACS 5.8.0 + PostgreSQL 9.3

Prem Thomas 9 09/18/13 10:12 AM 10/20/13 09:31 PM

Errors Upgrading from 5.5 to 5.8 (:acs::pageroot": no such variable)

Cesareo Garci­a Rodicio 12 09/23/13 12:32 AM 10/20/13 02:57 PM

Parsing PHP array

Iuri Sampaio 11 09/11/13 02:46 AM 10/02/13 04:04 AM

]project-open[ Patches for OpenACS 5.9

Gustaf Neumann 3 09/01/13 05:41 PM 09/29/13 06:22 PM

Security Locations Does Not Address Main Subsite HTTPS with SSL Proxy

Gustaf Neumann 1 09/17/13 11:09 PM 09/18/13 10:05 AM