Forum: OpenACS Development

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Edit This Page problems with Oracle

0 02/08/05 03:57 PM 02/08/05 03:57 PM

util_unlist proc deprecated

Claudio Pasolini 2 11/10/13 02:26 PM 11/10/13 08:57 PM

oacs-5-2 localization

Claudio Pasolini 2 12/18/05 02:34 PM 12/18/05 06:15 PM

Virtual hosting with AS4 and OpenACS 5

xx xx 6 06/07/04 05:46 PM 07/05/04 10:32 PM

layout-manager admin pages

Claudio Pasolini 0 05/15/09 11:43 AM 05/15/09 11:43 AM

A small question about xowiki

Claudio Pasolini 8 05/06/09 04:51 PM 05/08/09 02:45 PM

Content item creation with oacs-5-4

Claudio Pasolini 2 03/21/08 08:34 PM 03/22/08 08:41 AM

callback question

Claudio Pasolini 2 12/26/05 06:40 PM 12/27/05 08:42 AM

Enhanced KM in OpenACs 4.0 -- interface to OpenCyc

Michael Feldstein 20 09/28/01 05:32 PM 04/09/02 06:31 PM

Change Cookie Name

Tilmann Singer 4 03/11/02 05:38 PM 03/18/02 09:14 PM

eval, apply (lack of) safety

Cristian Petrescu-Prahova 3 05/21/01 06:40 AM 05/22/01 07:14 AM

nsopenssl 3.0 beta 10 (works with AOLserver 4.0)

Malte Sussdorff 1 01/08/04 09:34 PM 01/09/04 08:47 AM

HTMLarea and ad_form/form builder

xx xx 38 12/19/03 05:52 PM 05/27/04 12:08 PM

Oracle 10g

Don Baccus 3 02/20/04 08:10 PM 02/23/04 05:13 PM

Host-node map, acs-subsite, cookies, and registrations.

Gustaf Neumann 14 05/28/04 12:26 AM 11/02/16 05:31 PM

AOLserver 4.0 status

Vinod Kurup 1 01/15/04 05:33 PM 01/15/04 06:23 PM

Should ordinary users be able to categorize FAQs?

Malte Sussdorff 2 03/18/07 01:55 AM 03/22/07 07:29 AM

Is the OACS/postgres instr() function broken?

Cynthia Kiser 0 08/31/08 06:38 AM 08/31/08 06:38 AM

formtemplate style forms

Dafydd Crosby 2 03/29/12 06:29 PM 03/29/12 06:52 PM

Broken Download Repositories

Dave Bauer 6 03/28/12 07:05 PM 04/30/12 05:31 PM

Updating compatibility matrix

Eduardo Santos 1 03/27/12 06:31 PM 03/29/12 02:20 PM

socket connections

Andrew Piskorski 1 05/26/03 12:47 PM 05/27/03 07:11 AM

Proposal for Tcl/SQL contract

Jonathan Marsden 8 06/19/01 09:46 PM 07/04/01 03:23 PM

persons tcl api

Roberto Mello 11 08/06/02 08:44 PM 08/17/02 04:49 PM

a hack to the db_nextval hack

Don Baccus 4 08/06/02 12:39 AM 08/06/02 03:38 PM

error log rolling

0 08/01/02 06:30 PM 08/01/02 06:30 PM

Merging of /admin and /acs-admin

Joel Aufrecht 18 07/24/02 09:54 PM 02/04/04 04:50 PM

Possible issue with pgsql hack of acs_object_id_seq.nextval

Don Baccus 2 07/12/02 09:44 PM 07/13/02 02:52 PM

writing a TCL string to a file

Andrew Piskorski 1 12/05/03 06:29 AM 12/06/03 05:56 PM

Newbie problem with creating a new package

Daniel D 6 05/07/03 08:17 PM 05/09/03 10:08 PM