daily graph
weekly graph
monthly graph
yearly graph

Graph information

This graph shows the current memory usage for Naviserver instance openacs

Field Internal name Type Warning Critical Info
vsize vsize gauge Virtual memory size
rss rss gauge Resident memory size
uss uss gauge Unshared memory size
nsproxy:ExecPool:1:rss nsproxy_ExecPool_1_rss gauge
nsproxy:ExecPool:1:vsize nsproxy_ExecPool_1_vsize gauge
nsproxy:ExecPool:1:uss nsproxy_ExecPool_1_uss gauge
nsproxy:ExecPool:2:rss nsproxy_ExecPool_2_rss gauge
nsproxy:ExecPool:2:vsize nsproxy_ExecPool_2_vsize gauge
nsproxy:ExecPool:2:uss nsproxy_ExecPool_2_uss gauge
No .label provided swap gauge swapped out memory size
This field has the following extra information: NOTE: The plugin did not provide any label for the data source swap. It is in need of fixing.
No .label provided pss gauge proportional set size
This field has the following extra information: NOTE: The plugin did not provide any label for the data source pss. It is in need of fixing.
This page was generated by Munin version 2.0.56 at 2025-01-07 03:45:08+0100 (CET) with MunStrap template.