Interface for specifying a list of users to sign up as a batch
- Location:
- /packages/acs-admin/www/users/user-batch-add-2.tcl
$Id: user-batch-add-2.tcl,v 2021/02/01 10:56:39 gustafn Exp $
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ad_page_contract { Interface for specifying a list of users to sign up as a batch @cvs-id $Id: user-batch-add-2.tcl,v 2021/02/01 10:56:39 gustafn Exp $ } -query { userlist from subject message:allhtml } -properties { title:onevalue success_text:onevalue exception_text:onevalue } # parse the notify_ids arguments # ... set exception_text "" set success_text "" set title "Adding new users in bulk" # parse the userlist input a row at a time # most errors stop the processing of the line but keep going on the # bigger block while {[regexp {(.[^\n]+)} $userlist match_fodder row] } { # remove each row as it's handled set remove_count [string length $row] set userlist [string range $userlist $remove_count+1 end] set row [split $row ,] set email [string trim [lindex $row 0]] set first_names [string trim [lindex $row 1]] set last_name [string trim [lindex $row 2]] if {![info exists email] || ![util_email_valid_p $email]} { append exception_text "<li>Couldn't find a valid email address in ($row).</li>\n" continue } else { set email_count [db_string unused { select count(email) from parties where email = lower(:email) }] if {$email_count > 0} { append exception_text "<li> $email was already in the database.</li>\n" continue } } if {![info exists first_names] || $first_names eq ""} { append exception_text "<li> No first name in ($row)</li>\n" continue } if {![info exists last_name] || $last_name eq ""} { append exception_text "<li> No last name in ($row)</li>\n" continue } # We've checked everything. set password [ad_generate_random_string] array set auth_status_array [auth::create_user -email $email -first_names $first_names -last_name $last_name -password $password] set user_id $auth_status_array(user_id) append success_text "Created user $user_id for ($row)<br\>" # if anything goes wrong here, stop the whole process if { !$user_id } { ad_return_error "Insert Failed" "We were unable to create a user record for ($row)." ad_script_abort } # send email set key_list [list first_names last_name email password] set value_list [list $first_names $last_name $email $password] set sub_message $message foreach key $key_list value $value_list { regsub -all -- "<$key>" $sub_message $value sub_message } if {[catch {acs_mail_lite::send -send_immediately -to_addr $email -from_addr $from -subject $subject -body $sub_message} errmsg]} { ad_return_error "Mail Failed" "<p>The system was unable to send email. Please notify the user personally. This problem is probably caused by a misconfiguration of your email system. Here is the error:</p> <div><code> [ns_quotehtml $errmsg] </code></div>" ad_script_abort } } ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: