Displays procs in a Tcl library file.
- Location:
- /packages/acs-api-browser/www/procs-file-view.tcl
$Id: procs-file-view.tcl,v 1.14 2024/09/11 06:15:46 gustafn Exp $
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ad_page_contract { Displays procs in a Tcl library file. @cvs-id $Id: procs-file-view.tcl,v 1.14 2024/09/11 06:15:46 gustafn Exp $ } { version_id:naturalnum,optional,notnull { public_p:boolean,notnull "" } path:path,trim source_p:boolean,optional,trim,notnull } -properties { title:onevalue context:onevalue dimensional_slider:onevalue library_documentation:onevalue proc_list:multirow proc_doc_list:multirow } set url_vars [export_vars {path version_id}] set return_url [ns_urlencode [ad_conn url]?][ns_urlencode $url_vars] set default_source_p [ad_get_client_property -default 0 acs-api-browser api_doc_source_p] if { ![info exists source_p] } { set source_p $default_source_p if {$source_p eq ""} {set source_p 0} } if { ![info exists version_id] && [regexp {^packages/([^ /]+)/} $path "" package_key] } { db_0or1row version_id_from_package_key { select version_id from apm_enabled_package_versions where package_key = :package_key } } set path [apidoc::sanitize_path $path] if {![file readable ${::acs::rootdir}$path] || [file isdirectory ${::acs::rootdir}$path]} { if {[info exists version_id]} { set kind procs set href [export_vars -base [ad_conn package_url]/package-view {version_id {kind procs}}] set link [subst {<p>Go back to <a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">Package Documentation</a>.}] } else { set link [subst {<p>Go back to <a href="[ns_quotehtml [ad_conn package_url]]">API Browser</a>.}] } ad_return_warning \ "No such library file" \ [subst { The file '$path' was not found. Maybe the url contains a typo. $link }] ad_script_abort } if {[info exists version_id]} { set public_p [::apidoc::set_public $version_id $public_p] } else { set public_p [::apidoc::set_public "" $public_p] } set dimensional_list { { public_p "Publicity:" 1 { { 1 "Public Only" } { 0 "All" } } } } set context [list] if { [info exists version_id] } { db_0or1row package_info_from_package_id { select pretty_name, package_key, version_name from apm_package_version_info where version_id = :version_id } if {[info exists pretty_name]} { lappend context [list [export_vars -base package-view {version_id}] "$pretty_name $version_name"] } } set path [string trimleft $path /] lappend context [file tail $path] set title [file tail $path] set dimensional_slider [ad_dimensional $dimensional_list] set library_documentation [api_library_documentation $path] multirow create proc_list proc multirow create proc_doc_list doc if { [nsv_exists api_proc_doc_scripts $path] } { foreach proc [lsort [nsv_get api_proc_doc_scripts $path]] { if { $public_p } { array set doc_elements [nsv_get api_proc_doc $proc] if { $doc_elements(protection) ne "public"} { continue } } multirow append proc_list [api_proc_pretty_name -link $proc] } foreach proc [lsort [nsv_get api_proc_doc_scripts $path]] { if { $public_p } { array set doc_elements [nsv_get api_proc_doc $proc] if { $doc_elements(protection) ne "public"} { continue } } multirow append proc_doc_list [api_proc_documentation $proc] } } if { $source_p } { set file_contents [template::util::read_file $::acs::rootdir/$path] set file_contents [apidoc::tclcode_to_html $file_contents] } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: