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 <property name="doc(title)">@page_title;literal@</property>

Import results for
<if @package_key@ nil>
  <strong>all packages</strong>
package <strong>@package_key@</strong>
<if @locale@ nil>
  <strong>all locales</strong>.
locale <strong>@locale@</strong>.

  <adp:icon name="check">
  Import finished. Number of messages processed: @message_count.processed@, added: @message_count.added@, updated: @message_count.updated@, 
  deleted: @message_count.deleted@.

<if @message_count.errors@ not nil>
  The following errors were produced:


<if @conflict_count@ gt 0>
  <font color="red">There are @conflict_count@ message conflicts in the database.</font> 

  <ul class="action-links">
    <li><a href="@conflict_url@">Proceed to resolve conflicts</a></li>
  There are currently no conflicts in the database.

<ul class="action-links">
  <li><a href="@return_url@">Return</a></li>