Add a member to a group. If there are subtypes of the specified rel_type, we ask the user to select a precise rel_type before continuing
- Location:
- /packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/relations/add.tcl
- Author:
- Created:
- 2000-12-11
$Id: add.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:36:15 gustafn Exp $
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ad_page_contract { Add a member to a group. If there are subtypes of the specified rel_type, we ask the user to select a precise rel_type before continuing @author @creation-date 2000-12-11 @cvs-id $Id: add.tcl,v 2023/10/06 12:36:15 gustafn Exp $ } { group_id:integer,notnull rel_type:notnull { party_id:naturalnum "" } { exact_p:boolean,notnull "f" } { return_url:localurl "" } { allow_out_of_scope_p:boolean,notnull "f" } } -properties { context:onevalue role_pretty_name:onevalue group_name:onevalue export_form_vars:onevalue rel_types:multirow rel_type_pretty_name:onevalue add_party_url:onevalue } -validate { party_in_scope_p -requires {party_id:notnull} { if { $allow_out_of_scope_p == "f" && ![application_group::contains_party_p -party_id $party_id]} { ad_complain "The party either does not exist or does not belong to this subsite." } } rel_type_valid_p -requires {group_id:notnull rel_type:notnull exact_p:notnull} { if {$exact_p == "t" && ![relation_type_is_valid_to_group_p -group_id $group_id $rel_type]} { ad_complain "Relations of this type to this group would violate a relational constraint." } } } # ISSUES / TO DO: still need to check that party_id is not already in the # group through this relation. Actually, we should handle this with # double-click protection (which we're not doing yet). We also need # to check permissions on the party. set context [list "Add relation"] set export_var_list {group_id rel_type exact_p return_url allow_out_of_scope_p} if {$party_id ne ""} { lappend export_var_list party_id } group::get -group_id $group_id -array group_info # We assume the group is on side 1... db_1row rel_type_info { select t.object_type_two, t.role_two as role, (select pretty_name from acs_rel_roles where role = t.role_two) as role_pretty_name, (select pretty_name from acs_object_types where object_type = t.object_type_two) as object_type_two_name from acs_rel_types t where rel_type = :rel_type } # The role pretty names can be message catalog keys that need # to be localized before they are displayed set role_pretty_name [lang::util::localize $role_pretty_name] if { $exact_p == "f" && [subsite::util::sub_type_exists_p $rel_type] } { # Sub rel-types exist... select one set exact_p "t" set export_url_vars [export_vars -exclude rel_type $export_var_list ] relation_types_valid_to_group_multirow \ -datasource_name object_types \ -start_with $rel_type \ -group_id $group_id set object_type_pretty_name [subsite::util::object_type_pretty_name $rel_type] set this_url [ad_conn url] set object_type_variable rel_type ad_return_template ../parties/add-select-type return } template::form create add_relation foreach var $export_var_list { template::element create add_relation $var \ -value [set $var] \ -datatype text \ -widget hidden } # Build a URL used to create a new party of type object_type_two set party_type $object_type_two set party_type_exact_p f set add_to_group_id $group_id set add_with_rel_type $rel_type set add_party_url [export_vars -base [ad_conn package_url]admin/parties/new {add_to_group_id add_with_rel_type party_type party_type_exact_p return_url}] # Build a URL used to select an existing party from the system (as opposed # to limiting the selection to parties on the current subsite). set saved_allow_out_of_scope_p $allow_out_of_scope_p set allow_out_of_scope_p t set add_out_of_scope_url [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] $export_var_list] # Build a URL used to select an existing party from the current subsite set allow_out_of_scope_p f set add_in_scope_url [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] $export_var_list] set allow_out_of_scope_p $saved_allow_out_of_scope_p # We select out all parties that are to not already belong to the # specified group with the specified rel_type. Note that we take # special care to not allow the user to select the group itself... we # don't want circular references. It remains to be seen if this query # will be faster if we assume we are only adding parties, and thus # drive off the smaller parties table. We still somehow need to get # the object type though... set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set package_id [ad_conn package_id] attribute::add_form_elements -form_id add_relation -start_with relationship -object_type $rel_type element::create add_relation rel_id -widget hidden -value [db_nextval "acs_object_id_seq"] if { [template::form is_valid add_relation] } { if {[catch { group::add_member -group_id $group_id -user_id $party_id -rel_type $rel_type } errorMsg]} { ad_complain $errorMsg } if { $return_url eq "" } { set return_url [export_vars -base one rel_id] } ad_returnredirect $return_url ad_script_abort } if {$party_id ne ""} { # ISSUES / TO DO: add a check to make sure the party is not # already in the group. We only want to do this on is_request, # in which case we know its not a double-click issue. set party_name [acs_object_name $party_id] # Note: party_id is not null, which means that it got added already # to $export_var_list, which means that there is already a hidden # form element containing the party_id variable. # Inform user which party will be on side two of the new relation. template::element create add_relation party_inform \ -widget "inform" -value "$party_name" -label "$role_pretty_name" } else { # We special case 'party' because we don't want to include # parties whose direct object_type is: # 'rel_segment' - users will get confused by segments here. # 'party' - this is an abstract type and should have no objects, # but the system creates party -1 which users # shouldn't see. # The $allow_out_of_scope_p flag controls whether or not we limit # the list of parties to those that belong to the current subsite # (allow_out_of_scope_p = 'f'). Even when allow_out_of_scope_p = 't', # permissions checks and relational constraints may limit # the list of parties that can be added to $group_id with a relation # of type $rel_type. # SENSITIVE PERFORMANCE - this comment tag is here to make it # easy for us to find all the queries that we know may be unscalable. # This query has been tuned as well as possible given development # time constraints, but more tuning may be necessary. set party_option_list [db_list_of_lists select_parties { with recursive subtypes as ( select object_type from acs_object_types where (object_type = :object_type_two and :object_type_two <> 'party') or (object_type in ('person', 'group') and :object_type_two = 'party') union all select t.object_type from acs_object_types t, subtypes s where t.supertype = s.object_type ) select DISTINCT case when groups.group_id is null then case when persons.person_id is null then 'INVALID' else persons.first_names || ' ' || persons.last_name end else groups.group_name end as party_name, p.object_id as party_id from acs_objects p left join groups on groups.group_id = p.object_id left join persons on persons.person_id = p.object_id, subtypes s, rc_parties_in_required_segs pirs where p.object_type = s.object_type -- do not list the group as a possible member and p.object_id <> :group_id -- do not list parties that are already members and not exists (select 1 from group_element_map where element_id = p.object_id and group_id = :group_id and rel_type = :rel_type) and pirs.rel_type = :rel_type and pirs.group_id = :group_id and pirs.party_id = p.object_id and (:allow_out_of_scope_p <> 'f' or exists (select 1 from application_group_element_map where package_id = :package_id and element_id = p.object_id)) }] if { [llength $party_option_list] == 0 } { ad_return_template add-no-valid-parties return } template::element create add_relation party_id \ -datatype "text" \ -widget select \ -options $party_option_list \ -label "Select $role_pretty_name" } ad_return_template # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: