-- packages/ref-us-states/sql/postgresql/ref-us-states-create.sql
-- @author jon@jongriffin.com
-- @creation-date 2001-08-27
-- @cvs-id $Id: ref-us-states-create.sql,v 1.3 2003/07/18 00:25:33 donb Exp $

create table us_states (
    abbrev          char(2)
                    constraint us_states_abbrev_pk primary key,
    state_name      varchar(100)
	            constraint us_states_state_name_nn not null
                    constraint us_states_state_name_uq unique,
    fips_state_code char(2)
                    constraint us_states_fips_state_code_uq unique

comment on table us_states is '
This is the US states table.

comment on column us_states.abbrev is '
This is the 2 letter abbreviation for states.

comment on column us_states.fips_state_code is '
The FIPS code used by the USPS for certain delivery types.

-- add this table into the reference repository
select acs_reference__new (