Class ::xowf::IpRange       Class representing a range of IPs to be used to enforce access control. 
Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager       Public API: - create_workflow - delete_all_answer_data - allow_answering - get_answer_wf - get_wf_instances - get_answer_attributes - student_submissions_exist - runtime_panel - render_answers_with_edit_history - render_answers - marked_results - answers_panel - exam_results - grading_table - grading_scheme - grade - participants_table - get_duration - get_IPs - revisions_up_to - last_time_in_state - last_time_switched_to_state - state_periods - time_window_setup - waiting_room_message 
Class ::xowf::test_item::AssessmentInterface       Abstract class for common functionality 
Class ::xowf::test_item::Question_manager       This code manages questions and the information related to a current (selected) question via qthe "position" instance attribute. 
Class ::xowf::test_item::Renaming_form_loader       Form loader that renames "generic" form-field-names as provided by the test-item form-field classes (@answer@) into names based on the form name, such that multiple of these form names can be processed together without name clashes. 
Class ::xowf::test_item::grading::Grading       Superclass representing a generic grading 
Class ::xowf::test_item::grading::GradingNone       Grading scheme, which omits grading at all. 
Class ::xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRoundNone       Implements a grading with no special rounding. 
Class ::xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRoundPercentage       Implements a grading expressed as a rounded percentage 
Class ::xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRoundPoints       Implements a grading expressed as a rounded number of points 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::TestItemField       Abstract class for defining common attributes for all Test Item fields. 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::test_item       Wrapper for composite test items, containing specification for minutes, grading scheme, feedback levels, handling different types of questions ("interactions" in the terminology of QTI). 
Class ::xowiki::formfield::test_item_name       Name sanitizer for test items 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::countdown-timer       Countdown timer 
Class ::xowiki::includelet::exam-top-includelet       This is the top includelet for the in-class exam, containing a countdown timer and the personal notifications includelet 
xowf::IpRange instproc allow_access       Check, if provided IP address is in the provided ranges of disallowed or allowed addresses. 
xowf::Package instproc destroy       remove mixin 
xowf::Package instproc initialize       Add mixin ::xowf::WorkflowPage to every FormPage. 
xowf::Package proc create_new_workflow_page       Helper proc for loading workflow prototype page with less effort. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc answer_is_correct       Check, if answer is correct based on "answer" and "correct_when" attributes of form fields and provided user input. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc call_action       Call the specified action in the current workflow instance. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc call_action_foreach       Call the specified action for each of the specified pages denoted by the list of page names 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc childpage       Return the child page of the current object with the provided name. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc footer       Provide a tailored footer for workflow definition pages and workflow instance pages containing controls for instantiating forms or providing links to the workflow definition. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc get_action_obj       Check if the action can be executed in the current state, and if so, return the action_obj. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc get_revision_sets       Return a list of ns_sets containing revision_id, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip, and state for the current workflow instance. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc is_wf       Check, if the current page is a workflow page (page, defining a workflow) 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc is_wf_instance       Check, if the current page is a workflow instance (page, referring to a workflow) 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc post_process_dom_tree       post-process form in edit mode to provide feedback in feedback mode 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc post_process_form_fields       Propagate the feedback mode setting of this workflow page to the supplied formfields. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc render_form_action_buttons       Render the defined actions in the current state with submit buttons 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc render_form_action_buttons_widgets       With the given set of buttons, produce the HTML for the button container and the included inputs. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc render_icon       Provide an icon or text for describing the kind of application. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc render_thumbnails       Renderer of the thumbnail file(s) 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc schedule_action       Schedule the specified action for the current workflow instance at the given time. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc schedule_job       Schedule the specified Tcl command for the current package instance at the given time. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc solution_set       Compute solution set in form of attribute=value pairs based on "answer" attribute of form fields. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc stats_record_count       Record that the specified question was used. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc stats_record_detail       Record the stat detail of the question. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc wf_context       Return for a workflow page the workflow context object. 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc www-edit       Hook for editing workflow pages 
xowf::WorkflowPage instproc www-view       Provide additional view modes: - edit: instead of viewing a page, it is opened in edit mode - view_user_input: show user the provided input - view_user_input_with_feedback: show user the provided input with feedback 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc allow_answering       Tell if specified IP address is allowed to answer the exam. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc answer_form_field_objs       Instantiate the form_field objects of the provided form based on form_info. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc answers_panel       Produce HTML code for an answers panel, containing the number of participants of an e-assessment and the number of participants, who have already answered. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc countdown_timer       Accepted formats for target_time, determined by JavaScript ISO 8601, e.g. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc create_workflow       Create a workflow based on the template provided in this method for answering the question for the students. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc delete_all_answer_data       Delete all instances of the answer workflow 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc delete_scheduled_atjobs       Delete previously scheduled atjobs ns_log notice "#### delete_scheduled_atjobs" 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc exam_results       Return results either as HTML table, as HTML chart or as csv. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc export_answer       Export the provided question and answer in GNU rectuil format. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_IPs       Get the IP addresses for the given revision set. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_answer_attributes       Extracts wf instances as answers (e.g., extracting their answer-specific attributes) 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_answer_wf       return the workflow denoted by the property wfName in obj 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_duration       Get the duration from a set of revisions and return a dict containing "from", "fromClock","to", "toClock", "seconds", and "duration". 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_exam_results       Retrieve a property value from the exam statistics result page. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_wf_instances       get_wf_instances: return the workflow instances 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc grading_dialog_setup       Define the modal dialog and everything necessary for reusing this dialog for multiple occasions. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc grading_scheme       Return the grading scheme object based on the provided short name. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc grading_table       Produce HTML markup based on a dict with grades as keys and counts as values. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc last_time_in_state       Loops through revision sets and retrieves the latest date where state is equal the specified value. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc last_time_switched_to_state       Loops through revision sets and retrieves the latest date where state is equal the specified value. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc marked_results       Return for every participant the individual results for an exam 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc participants_table       This method returns an HTML table containing a row for every participant with Name and short summary information. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc prevent_multiple_tabs       Prevent answering the same survey from multiple, concurrently open tabs. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc recutil_create       Create recfile 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc render_answers       Return the answers in HTML format in a somewhat printer friendly way, e.g. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc render_answers_with_edit_history       Analyze the student submissions an find situations, where input is "cleared" between revisions and return the HTML rendering. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc results_table       Render the results in format of a table and return HTML. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc revisions_up_to       Return the revisions of the provided revision set up the provided revision_id. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc runtime_panel       Return statistics for the provided object in the form of HTML: - minimal statistics: when view default - statistics with clickable revisions: when view = revision_overview - per-revision statistics: when view = revision_overview and revision_id is provided 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc set_exam_results       ns_log notice "SES '$property' bytes [string length $value]" 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc state_periods       Return for the provided revision_sets the time ranges the workflow was in the provided state. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc student_submissions_exist       Returns 1 if there are student submissions. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc time_window_setup       Check the provided time_window values, adjust it if necessary, and make sure, according atjobs are provided. 
xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc waiting_room_message       Renders the waiting room message, including the JavaScript reacting to actions from the backend. 
xowf::test_item::AssessmentInterface instproc render_feedback_files       Render feedback files which are children of the submit instances. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc add_seeds       Add property "seed" to the provided object, consisting of a list of the specified number of random values starting with a base seed. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc aggregated_form       Compute an aggregated form (containing potentially multiple questions) based on the chunks available in question_infos. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc combined_question_form       For the provided assessment, return a combined question_form as a single (combined) form, containing the content of all question forms. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc current_question_form       Return the current form object of the provided assessment. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc current_question_number       Translate the position of an object into its question number (as e.g. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc current_question_obj       Load the current question obj based on the current question name. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc current_question_title       In case, with_numbers is provided, return a internationalized title for the question, such as "Question 1". 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc describe_form       Call for every form field of the form_obj the "describe" method and return these infos in a form of a list. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc disallow_paste       This function changes the form_constraints of the provided form object by adding "paste=false" properties to textarea or text_fields entries. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc disallow_spellcheck       This function changes the form_constraints of the provided form object by adding "spellcheck=false" properties to textarea or text_fields entries. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc disallow_translation       This function disallows translation of the full page by setting the HTML5 "translate" attribute of the body to "no". 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc exam_base_time       Calculate the exam base time for a student. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc exam_configuration_modifiable_field_names       Return the names of the modifiable field names in the current state. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc exam_configuration_popup       Render the exam configuration popup, add it as a content_header (to avoid putting it to the main workflow form, since nested FORMS are not allowed) and return the rendering of the button for popping-ip the configuration modal. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc exam_info_block       Provide a summative overview of an exam. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc exam_target_time       Calculate the exam target time (finishing time) based on the duration of the exam plus the provided base_time (which is in the format returned by SQL) 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc get_pool_questions       Obtain for the specs in the pool_question_obj potential replacement items in form of a replacement dict. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc goto_page       ns_log notice "===== goto_page $position" Set the position (test item number) of the workflow (exam). 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc hint_boxes       Render the hint boxes (feedback and correction notes) for a question object. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc initialize       Initialize the question manager for a certain workflow instance. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc item_substitute_markup       Substitute everything item-specific in the text, including markup (handling e.g. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc load_question_objs       Load the question objects for the provided question names and return the question objs. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc minutes_string       Get an attribute of the original question 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc more_ahead       Return true, when this is for the current user not the last question. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc nth_question_form       Return the question_info of the nth form (question) of the assessment. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc nth_question_obj       Return the nth question object of an assessment (based on position). 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc pagination_actions       Create actions used for pagination. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc percent_substitute_in_form       Perform percent substitution in the provided HTML, form_constraints and disabled_form_constraints and return the result as a dict. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc points_string       Get an attribute of the original question 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc question_count       Return the number questions in an exam. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc question_info       Returns a dict containing "form", "title_infos", "form_constraints" "disabled_form_constraints" "randomization_for_exam" "autograde" and "question_objs". 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc question_info_block       Provide question info block. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc question_names       Return the names of the questions of an assessment. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc question_objs       For the provided assessment object, return the question objects in the right order, depending on the shuffle_id. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc question_property       Get an attribute of the original question 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc question_statistics_block       When we have results, we can provide statistics 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc question_summary       Provide a summary of all questions of an exam. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc questions_without_minutes       Compute the number of questions without provided time 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc replace_pool_question        
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc replace_pool_questions       Replaces all pool questions for the exam by random items. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc shuffled_index       Return the shuffled index position, in case shuffling is turned on. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc total_minutes       Compute the duration of an exam based on the form_info dict. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc total_minutes_for_exam       Compute the total time of an exam, based on the minutes provided by the single questions. 
xowf::test_item::Question_manager instproc total_points       Compute the maximum achievable points of an exam based on the form_info dict. 
xowf::test_item::Renaming_form_loader instproc answer_attributes       Return all form-loader specific attributes from instance_attributes. 
xowf::test_item::Renaming_form_loader instproc answer_for_form       Return answer for the provided formName from instance_attributes of a single object. 
xowf::test_item::Renaming_form_loader instproc answers_for_form       Return a list of dicts for the provided formName from the answers (as returned from [answer_manager get_answer_attributes ...]). 
xowf::test_item::Renaming_form_loader instproc form_name_based_attribute_stem       Produce from the provided 'formName' an attribute stem for the input fields of this form. 
xowf::test_item::Renaming_form_loader instproc name_to_question_obj_dict       Produce a dict for attribute name to question_obj 
xowf::test_item::Renaming_form_loader instproc rename_attributes       Perform attribute renaming in the provided form_obj and return this form_obj. 
xowf::test_item::grading::Grading instproc grading_dict       Important dict members of "achieved_points": - achievedPoints: points that the student has achieved in her exam - achievablePoints: points that the student could have achieved so far - totalPoints: points that the student can achieve when finishing the exam achieved_points: {achievedPoints 4.0 achievablePoints 4 totalPoints 4} percentage_mapping: {50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0} While "achievedPoints" and "achievablePoints" are calculated by iterating over the submitted values, "totalPoints" contains the sum of points of all questions of the exam, no matter if these were answered or not. 
xowf::test_item::grading::Grading instproc print       Return a dict containing the members "panel" and "csv" depending on the type of rounding options 
xowf::test_item::grading::GradingNone instproc grade       No grading scheme defined, return grading 0. 
xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRoundNone instproc grade       Return a numeric grade for an exam submission based with no special rounding (2 digits). 
xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRoundPercentage instproc grade       Return a numeric grade for an exam submission based on rounded percentage. 
xowf::test_item::grading::GradingRoundPoints instproc grade       Return a numeric grade for an exam submission based on rounded points. 
xowf::test_item::grading::load_grading_schemes       Load the actual grading scheme objects defined for the package_id and parent_id.