::Users proc active (public)

 ::Users[i] active [ -full ]

Defined in packages/xotcl-request-monitor/tcl/throttle_mod-procs.tcl

Return a list of lists containing information about current users. If the switch 'full' is used this list contains these users who have used the server within the monitoring time window (per default: 10 minutes). Otherwise, just a list of requesters (user_ids or peer addresses for unauthenticated requests) is returned. If "-full" is used for each requester the last peer address, the last timestamp, the number of hits, a list of values for the activity calculations and the number of ip-switches the user is returned. The activity calculations are performed on base of an exponential smoothing algorithm which is calculated through an aggregated value, a timestamp (in minutes) and the number of hits in the monitored time window.

list with detailed user info

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
Source code:
if {$full} {
  set info [list]
  foreach key [array names :pa] {
    set entry [list $key [set :pa($key)]]
    foreach var [list timestamp hits expSmooth switches] {
      set k ${var}($key)
      lappend entry [expr {[info exists :$k] ? [set :$k] : 0}]
    lappend info $entry
  return $info
} else {
  return [array names :pa]
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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