acs::test::reply_contains_no (public)

 acs::test::reply_contains_no [ -prefix prefix ] dict string

Defined in packages/acs-automated-testing/tcl/aa-test-procs.tcl

Convenience function for test cases to check, whether the resulting page does not contain the given string.

prefix for logging
dict - request reply dict, containing at least the request body
string - string to be checked on the page

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_webtest_example webtest_example (test acs-automated-testing) acs::test::reply_contains_no acs::test::reply_contains_no test_webtest_example->acs::test::reply_contains_no aa_false aa_false (public) acs::test::reply_contains_no->aa_false acs::test::detail_link acs::test::detail_link (private) acs::test::reply_contains_no->acs::test::detail_link forums::test::edit forums::test::edit (private) forums::test::edit->acs::test::reply_contains_no forums::test::new forums::test::new (private) forums::test::new->acs::test::reply_contains_no forums::test::new_postings forums::test::new_postings (private) forums::test::new_postings->acs::test::reply_contains_no

Source code:
        set result [string match *$string* [dict get $dict body]]
        if {$result} {
            aa_false "${prefix}Reply contains no $string (<a href='[detail_link $dict]'>Details</a>)" $result
        } else {
            aa_false "${prefix}Reply contains no $string" $result
        return [expr {!$result}]
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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