This procedure is defined in the server but not documented via ad_proc or proc_doc and may be intended as a private interface.

The procedure is defined as:

proc dom::Element:GetByTagName {token name} {
    array set node [set $token]

    set result {}

    if {$node(node:nodeType) ne "documentFragment" } {
	foreach child [set $node(node:childNodes)] {
	    unset -nocomplain childNode
	    array set childNode [set $child]
	    if {$childNode(node:nodeType) eq "element" 
		&& [GetField childNode(node:nodeName)] eq $name 
	    } {
		lappend result $child
    } elseif {[llength $node(document:documentElement)]} {
	# Document Element must exist and must be an element type node
	unset -nocomplain childNode
	array set childNode [set $node(document:documentElement)]
	if {$childNode(node:nodeName) eq $name } {
	    set result $node(document:documentElement)

    return $result


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