sb_get_tables (public)

 sb_get_tables selected_table_name

Defined in packages/schema-browser/tcl/schema-browser-procs-postgresql.tcl

Build an HTML table of all PG tables belonging to the current user. Each PG table name is returned as a hyperlink to a page which displays the table's structure.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/schema-browser/www/index.tcl packages/schema-browser/ www/index.tcl sb_get_tables sb_get_tables packages/schema-browser/www/index.tcl->sb_get_tables export_vars export_vars (public) sb_get_tables->export_vars sb_get_tables_list sb_get_tables_list (public) sb_get_tables->sb_get_tables_list

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