xowiki::includelet::toc instproc render_yui_list

 <instance of xowiki::includelet::toc[i]> render_yui_list

Defined in

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_includelet_toc includelet_toc (test ) xowiki::includelet::toc instproc render_yui_list xowiki::includelet::toc instproc render_yui_list test_includelet_toc->xowiki::includelet::toc instproc render_yui_list test_xowiki xowiki (test ) test_xowiki->xowiki::includelet::toc instproc render_yui_list

includelet_toc, xowiki
Source code:

# Render the tree with the yui widget (with or without ajax)
if {$book_mode} {
  #:log "--warn: cannot use bookmode with ajax, resetting ajax"
  set ajax 0
set :ajax $ajax

if {$ajax} {
  set :js [:yui_ajax]
} else {
  set :js [:yui_non_ajax]

set tree [::xowiki::Tree new -destroy_on_cleanup -id [:id]]
$tree array set open_node [array get :open_node]
$tree add_pages -full $full -remove_levels $remove_levels  -book_mode $book_mode -open_page $open_page -expand_all $expand_all  -owner [self]  $pages

set HTML [$tree render -style yuitree -js ${:js}]
return $HTML
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