ds_init (public)


Defined in packages/acs-developer-support/tcl/acs-developer-support-procs.tcl

Perform setup for the developer support for a single request. We save the state in global variables to avoid highly redundant computations (up to 50 times per page on openacs.org)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ds_features_enabled_test ds_features_enabled_test (test acs-developer-support) ds_init ds_init test_ds_features_enabled_test->ds_init ds_collection_enabled_p ds_collection_enabled_p (public) ds_init->ds_collection_enabled_p ds_enabled_p ds_enabled_p (public) ds_init->ds_enabled_p ds_profiling_enabled_p ds_profiling_enabled_p (public) ds_init->ds_profiling_enabled_p ds_show_p ds_show_p (public) ds_init->ds_show_p rp_serve_concrete_file rp_serve_concrete_file (public) rp_serve_concrete_file->ds_init

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