party::new (public)

 party::new [ -form_id form_id ] [ -variable_prefix variable_prefix ] \
    [ -creation_user creation_user ] [ -creation_ip creation_ip ] \
    [ -party_id party_id ] [ -context_id context_id ] [ -email email ] \

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/community-core-procs.tcl

Creates a party of this type by calling the .new function for the package associated with the given party_type. This function will fail if there is no package.

There are now several ways to create a party of a given type. You can use this Tcl API with or without a form from the form system, or you can directly use the PL/SQL API for the party type.


    # OPTION 1: Create the party using the Tcl Procedure. Useful if the
    # only attribute you need to specify is the party name

    db_transaction {
        set party_id [party::new -email "" $party_type]

    # OPTION 2: Create the party using the Tcl API with a templating
    # form. Useful when there are multiple attributes to specify for the
    # party

    template::form create add_party
    template::element create add_party email -value ""

    db_transaction {
        set party_id [party::new -form_id add_party $party_type ]

    # OPTION 3: Create the party using the PL/SQL package automatically
    # created for it

    # creating the new party
    set party_id [db_exec_plsql add_party "
        :1 := ${party_type}.new (email => '');


The form id from templating form system (see example above)
The email of this party. Note that if email is specified explicitly, this value will be used even if there is a email attribute in the form specified by form_id.
party_type - The type of party we are creating
party_id of the newly created party
Oumi Mehrotra <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/parties/new.tcl party::new party::new packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new.tcl->party::new db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) party::new->db_0or1row package_instantiate_object package_instantiate_object (public) party::new->package_instantiate_object

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