template::list::orderby::create (public)

 template::list::orderby::create -list_name list_name \
    -orderby_name orderby_name -spec spec [ -ulevel ulevel ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/list-procs.tcl

Adds an orderby to a list builder list.

This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through template::list::create.

These are the available properties in the spec:

  • label: The label for the orderby.
  • orderby: The column to use in the order by clause of the query. If it's not as simple as that, you can also specify 'orderby_asc' and 'orderby_desc' separately.
  • orderby_asc: The orderby clause when sorting ascending. This is useful when you're actually sorting by two database columns.
  • orderby_desc: The reverse ordering from 'orderby_asc'.
  • orderby_name: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby property.
  • orderby_asc_name: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby_asc property.
  • orderby_desc_name: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby_desc property.
  • default_direction: The default order direction, 'asc' or 'desc'. Defaults to 'asc'.
  • multirow_cols: If specified, we will sort the multirow in the webserver layer by the given cols.
It is difficult, but you can sort hierarchical queries.

Name of list.
Name of the orderby.
The spec for this orderby. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow.
(defaults to "1") (optional)
Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::list::create template::list::create (public) template::list::orderby::create template::list::orderby::create template::list::create->template::list::orderby::create template::list::element::create template::list::element::create (public) template::list::element::create->template::list::orderby::create _ _ (public) template::list::orderby::create->_ template::list::element::get_reference template::list::element::get_reference (public) template::list::orderby::create->template::list::element::get_reference template::list::filter::create template::list::filter::create (public) template::list::orderby::create->template::list::filter::create template::list::filter::exists_p template::list::filter::exists_p (public) template::list::orderby::create->template::list::filter::exists_p template::list::filter::get_reference template::list::filter::get_reference (public) template::list::orderby::create->template::list::filter::get_reference

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