xowiki::utility proc change_page_order (public)

 xowiki::utility[i] change_page_order -from from  -to to  [ -clean clean ] \
    -folder_id folder_id  -package_id package_id  \
    [ -publish_status publish_status ]

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-utility-procs.tcl

Update page_order attributes for pages by renumbering and filling gaps.

list of page_orders before a move/insert operation
list of page_orders after a move/insert operation
list of page_orders for insert operations, to update the hierarchy from where items were moved to the new hierarchy.
(defaults to "ready|live|expired") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log ad_log (public) xowiki::utility proc change_page_order xowiki::utility proc change_page_order xowiki::utility proc change_page_order->ad_log

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