ad_return_exception_page (public)

 ad_return_exception_page status title explanation

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/defs-procs.tcl

Returns an exception page.

status - HTTP status to be returned (e.g. 500, 404)
title - Title to be used for the error (will be shown to user)
explanation - Explanation for the exception.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_return_error ad_return_error (public) ad_return_exception_page ad_return_exception_page ad_return_error->ad_return_exception_page ad_return_forbidden ad_return_forbidden (public) ad_return_forbidden->ad_return_exception_page ad_return_warning ad_return_warning (public) ad_return_warning->ad_return_exception_page download_repository_info download_repository_info (public) download_repository_info->ad_return_exception_page packages/faq/www/one-faq.tcl packages/faq/ www/one-faq.tcl packages/faq/www/one-faq.tcl->ad_return_exception_page ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_return_exception_page->ad_conn ad_parse_template ad_parse_template (public) ad_return_exception_page->ad_parse_template parameter::get_from_package_key parameter::get_from_package_key (public) ad_return_exception_page->parameter::get_from_package_key

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set error_template [parameter::get_from_package_key  -package_key "acs-tcl"  -parameter "ReturnError"  -default "/packages/acs-tcl/lib/ad-return-error"]
    set page [ad_parse_template  -params [list [list title $title] [list explanation $explanation]]  $error_template]
    if {$status >= 400
        && [string match {*; MSIE *} [ns_set iget [ad_conn headers] User-Agent]]
        && [string length $page] < 512 } {
        append page [string repeat " " [expr {513 - [string length $page]}]]

    ns_return $status text/html $page

    # raise abortion flag, e.g., for templating
    set ::request_aborted [list $status $title]
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