auth::sync::job::action (public)

 auth::sync::job::action -job_id job_id -operation operation \
    -username username [ -array array ]

Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/sync-procs.tcl

Inserts/updates/deletes a user, depending on the operation.

The job which this is part of for logging purposes.
'insert', 'update', 'delete', or 'snapshot'.
The username which this action refers to.
Name of an array containing the relevant registration elements. Not required if this is a delete operation.
entry_id of newly created entry

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_sync_actions sync_actions (test acs-authentication) auth::sync::job::action auth::sync::job::action test_sync_actions->auth::sync::job::action test_sync_snapshot sync_snapshot (test acs-authentication) test_sync_snapshot->auth::sync::job::action acs_user::get acs_user::get (public) auth::sync::job::action->acs_user::get acs_user::get_by_username acs_user::get_by_username (public) auth::sync::job::action->acs_user::get_by_username ad_log ad_log (public) auth::sync::job::action->ad_log ad_try ad_try (public) auth::sync::job::action->ad_try auth::create_local_account auth::create_local_account (public) auth::sync::job::action->auth::create_local_account auth::sync::job::snapshot_delete_remaining auth::sync::job::snapshot_delete_remaining (public) auth::sync::job::snapshot_delete_remaining->auth::sync::job::action auth::sync::process_doc::ims::ProcessDocument auth::sync::process_doc::ims::ProcessDocument (private) auth::sync::process_doc::ims::ProcessDocument->auth::sync::job::action

sync_actions, sync_snapshot
Source code:
    if { $operation ne "delete" && $array eq "" } {
        error "Switch -array is required when operation is not delete"
    upvar 1 $array user_info

    set entry_id {}
    set user_id {}

    set authority_id [get_authority_id -job_id $job_id]

    db_transaction {
        set user_id [acs_user::get_by_username  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username]

        set success_p 1
        array set result {
            message {}
            element_messages {}

        switch $operation {
            snapshot {
                if { $user_id ne "" } {
                    # user exists, it's an update
                    set operation "update"
                } else {
                    # user does not exist, it's an insert
                    set operation "insert"
            update - delete {
                if { $user_id eq "" } {
                    # Updating/deleting a user that doesn't exist
                    set success_p 0
                    set result(message) "A user with username '$username' does not exist"
                } else {
                    acs_user::get -user_id $user_id -array existing_user_info
                    if {$existing_user_info(member_state) eq "banned"} {
                        # Updating/deleting a user that's already deleted
                        set success_p 0
                        set result(message) "The user with username '$username' has been deleted (banned)"
            insert {
                if { $user_id ne "" } {
                    acs_user::get -user_id $user_id -array existing_user_info
                    if { $existing_user_info(member_state) ne "banned" } {
                        # Inserting a user that already exists (and is not deleted)
                        set success_p 0
                        set result(message) "A user with username '$username' already exists"

        # Only actually perform the action if we didn't already encounter a problem
        if { $success_p } {
            ad_try {
                switch $operation {
                    "insert" {
                        # We set email_verified_p to 't', because we trust the email we get from the remote system
                        set user_info(email_verified_p) t

                        array set result [auth::create_local_account  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username  -array user_info]

                        if { $result(creation_status) ne "ok" } {
                            set result(message) $result(creation_message)
                            set success_p 0
                        } else {
                            set user_id $result(user_id)

                            set add_to_dotlrn_p [parameter::get_from_package_key  -parameter SyncAddUsersToDotLrnP  -package_key "acs-authentication"  -default 0]

                            if { $add_to_dotlrn_p } {
                                # Add user to .LRN
                                # Beware that this creates a portal and lots of other things for each user

                                set type [parameter::get_from_package_key  -parameter SyncDotLrnUserType  -package_key "acs-authentication"  -default "student"]

                                set can_browse_p [parameter::get_from_package_key  -parameter SyncDotLrnAccessLevel  -package_key "acs-authentication"  -default 1]

                                set read_private_data_p [parameter::get_from_package_key  -parameter SyncDotLrnReadPrivateDataP  -package_key "acs-authentication"  -default 1]

                                dotlrn::user_add  -id $user_info(email)  -type $type  -can_browse=$can_browse_p  -user_id $user_id

                                dotlrn_privacy::set_user_is_non_guest  -user_id $user_id  -value $read_private_data_p


                        # We ignore account_status
                    "update" {
                        # We set email_verified_p to 't', because we trust the email we get from the remote system
                        set user_info(email_verified_p) t

                        array set result [auth::update_local_account  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username  -array user_info]

                        if { $result(update_status) ne "ok" } {
                            set result(message) $result(update_message)
                            set success_p 0
                        } else {
                            set user_id $result(user_id)
                    "delete" {
                        array set result [auth::delete_local_account  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username]

                        if { $result(delete_status) ne "ok" } {
                            set result(message) $result(delete_message)
                            set success_p 0
                        } else {
                            set user_id $result(user_id)
            } on error {errorMsg} {
                # Get errorInfo and log it
                ad_log Error "Error during batch syncrhonization job: $errorMsg"
                set success_p 0
                set result(message) $::errorInfo

        # Make a log entry
        set entry_id [auth::sync::job::create_entry  -job_id $job_id  -operation $operation  -username $username  -user_id $user_id  -success=$success_p  -message $result(message)  -element_messages $result(element_messages)]

    return $entry_id
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