xowiki::Package instproc pretty_link (public)

 <instance of xowiki::Package[i]> pretty_link [ -anchor anchor ] \
    [ -query query ] [ -absolute on|off ] [ -siteurl siteurl ] \
    [ -lang lang ] [ -parent_id parent_id ] [ -download on|off ] \
    [ -context_url context_url ] [ -folder_ids folder_ids ] \
    [ -path_encode on|off ] [ -page page ] name

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/package-procs.tcl

Generate a (minimal) link to a wiki page with the specified name. Practically all links in the xowiki systems are generated through this method. The method returns the URL path urlencoded, unless "-path_encode" is set to false.

anchor to be added to the link
query parameters to be added literally to the resulting URL
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
make an absolute link (including protocol and host)
use the specified 2 character language code (rather than computing the value)
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
create download link (without m=download)
(boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
control URL encoding of the path segmemts
name - name of the wiki page

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_link_tests link_tests (test xowiki) xowiki::Package instproc pretty_link xowiki::Package instproc pretty_link test_link_tests->xowiki::Package instproc pretty_link ad_log ad_log (public) xowiki::Package instproc pretty_link->ad_log ad_url ad_url (public) xowiki::Package instproc pretty_link->ad_url ad_urlencode_path ad_urlencode_path (public) xowiki::Package instproc pretty_link->ad_urlencode_path

Source code:
#:log "input name=$name, lang=$lang parent_id=$parent_id"

set host [expr {$absolute ? ($siteurl ne "" ? $siteurl : [ad_url]) : ""}]
if {$anchor ne ""} {set anchor \#$anchor}
if {$query ne ""} {set query ?$query}

:get_lang_and_name -default_lang $lang -name $name lang name

set package_prefix [:get_parameter -check_query_parameter false package_prefix ${:package_url}]
if {$package_prefix eq "/" && [string length $lang]>2} {
  # Don't compact the path for images etc. to avoid conflicts
  # with e.g. //../image/*
  set package_prefix ${:package_url}
#:msg "name=$name, parent_id=$parent_id, package_prefix=$package_prefix"
if {$path_encode} {
  set encoded_name [ad_urlencode_path $name]
} else {
  set encoded_name $name

if {$parent_id eq -100} {
  # In case, we have a CR top-level entry, we assume, we can
  # resolve it at least against the root folder of the current
  # package.
  set folder_path ""
  set encoded_name ""
  set default_lang [:default_language]
} else {
  if {$parent_id in {"" 0}} {
    ad_log warning "pretty_link of $name: you should consider to pass a parent_id to support folders"
    set parent_id ${:folder_id}
  set folder_path [:folder_path -parent_id $parent_id -folder_ids $folder_ids -path_encode $path_encode]
  set pkg [::$parent_id package_id]
  if {![nsf::is object ::$pkg]} {
    ::xowiki::Package require $pkg
  set package_prefix [::$pkg get_parameter package_prefix [$pkg package_url]]
  set default_lang [::$pkg default_language]
#:msg "folder_path = $folder_path, -parent_id $parent_id -folder_ids $folder_ids // default_lang [:default_language]"

#:log "h=${host}, prefix=${package_prefix}, folder=$folder_path, name=$encoded_name anchor=$anchor download=$download"

# Lookup plain page name. If we succeed, there is a danger of a
# name clash between a folder and a language prefixed page. In
# case, the lookup succeeds, add a language prefix to the page,
# although it could be omitted otherwise. This way, we can
# disambiguate between a folder named "foo" and a page named
# "en:foo" in the same folder.
# Note: such a naming disambiguation is probably needed in the
# general case as well on path segments, when arbitrary objects
# can have children and same-named folders exist.
set found_id [:lookup -parent_id $parent_id -name $name]
#:log "lookup [list :lookup -parent_id $parent_id -name $name] -> $found_id"

# In case, we did not receive a "page" but we could look up the
# entry, instantiate the target page to be able to distinguish
# between folder and page in ambiguous cases.
if {$found_id != 0 && $page eq ""} {
  #ad_log warning "have to fetch target page. You should provide '-page' to pretty_link"
  set page [::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id $found_id]

if {$found_id != 0 && $page ne ""} {
  # Do never add a language prefix for certain pages
  if {[$page is_unprefixed]} {
    #:log "... $page is unprefixed"
    set found_id 0

#:log "found_id=$found_id name=$name,folder_path=$folder_path,lang=$lang,default_lang=$default_lang"
#:log "host <${host}> package_prefix <${package_prefix}>"
if {$download} {
  # Use the special download (file) syntax.
  set url ${host}${package_prefix}download/file/$folder_path$encoded_name$query$anchor
} elseif {$lang ne $default_lang || [[self class] exists www-file($name)]} {
  # If files are physical files in the www directory, add the
  # language prefix
  set url ${host}${package_prefix}${lang}/$folder_path$encoded_name$query$anchor
} elseif {$found_id != 0} {
  set url ${host}${package_prefix}$folder_path${lang}:$encoded_name$query$anchor
} else {
  # Use the short notation without language prefix.
  set url ${host}${package_prefix}$folder_path$encoded_name$query$anchor
#:msg "final url=$url"
return $url
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