ad_db_select_widget (public, deprecated)

 ad_db_select_widget [ -size size ] [ -multiple multiple ] \
    [ -default default ] [ -option_list option_list ] \
    [ -blank_if_no_db blank_if_no_db ] \
    [ -hidden_if_one_db hidden_if_one_db ] [ -bind bind ] \
    statement_name sql_qry name

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/widgets-procs.tcl

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

given a SQL query this generates a select group. If there is only one value it returns the text and a hidden variable setting that value. The first selected column should contain the optionlist items. The second selected column should contain the optionlist values.

option_list is a list in the same format (i.e. {{str val} {str2 val2}...}) which is prepended to the list

if sql_qry is null then the list is constructed from option_list only.

if there is only one item the select is not generated and the value is passed in hidden form variable.

if -multiple is given then a multi select is returned.

if -blank_if_no_db is true, then do not return a select widget unless there are rows from the database DEPRECATED: the template system offers better ways to produce markup from a query nowadays.

(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/download/www/download-verify.tcl packages/download/ www/download-verify.tcl ad_db_select_widget ad_db_select_widget packages/download/www/download-verify.tcl->ad_db_select_widget ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ad_db_select_widget->ad_log_deprecated db_foreach db_foreach (public) ad_db_select_widget->db_foreach

No testcase defined.
Source code:
ad_log_deprecated proc ad_db_select_widget
    set retval {}
    set count 0
    set dbcount 0
    if {$option_list ne ""} {
        foreach opt $option_list {
            incr count
            lassign $opt value item
            if { (!$multiple && $value eq $default )
                 || ($multiple && $value in $default)
            } {
                append retval "<option selected value=\"$value\">$item</option>\n"
            } else {
                append retval "<option value=\"$value\">$item</option>\n"

    if { $blank_if_no_db} {
        set count 0

    if {$sql_qry ne ""} {
        set columns [ns_set create]

        db_foreach $statement_name $sql_qry -column_set selection -bind $bind {
            incr count
            incr dbcount
            set item [ns_set value $selection 0]
            set value [ns_set value $selection 1]
            if { (!$multiple && $value eq $default )
                 || ($multiple && $value in $default)
            } {
                append retval "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"$value\">$item</option>\n"
            } else {
                append retval "<option value=\"$value\">$item</option>\n"
        } if_no_rows {
            if {$default ne ""} {
                return "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $default]\" name=\"$name\">\n"
            } else {
                return {}

    if { $count == 1 || ($dbcount == 1 && $hidden_if_one_db) } {
        return "$item<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $value]\" name=\"$name\">\n"
    } elseif {!$count && !$dbcount && $blank_if_no_db} {
        return {}
    } else {
        set select "<select name=\"$name\""
        if {$size != 0} {
            append select " size=\"$size\""
        if {$multiple} {
            append select " multiple"
        return "$select>\n$retval</select>"
XQL Not present:
PostgreSQL, Oracle
Generic XQL file:

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